IX. So Sick Of This Bitch

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A/N: That first kiss though ^_^

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IX. So Sick Of This Bitch

I'm in the middle of my art class during last period when I hear the most obnoxious sound of giggles outside of the classroom since Mrs. Montgomery has the classroom door left open again today.

I look up from my work to see Karen walk by as she prances about while looking back behind her with a smile. I half expect to see Jackson walk by with her but I'm thrown off when I see a different guy that I recognize as one of the guys on the football team—Jared I think is his name.

I nearly drop my paintbrush when she leans into him and presses her lips to his.

What the literal fuck?

I stare in shock as he shoves her against the lockers across the hall and runs his hands up the back of her skirt, showing her ass off. He picks her up by her hips and holds her in his arms as she wraps herself around him.

Sweet Jesus—I'm pretty sure they're about to fuck right there in the open hallway.

I get it's sixth period and near the end of the day but come on—school isn't over yet.

I look at them in disgust, not only because of what they're doing out in the open for anyone to see, but because she's doing this while being with Jackson.

I don't know—maybe she knows what happened earlier between us and is retaliating but even so—if they didn't break up afterwards he doesn't deserve to be treated like this.

You know the whole—two wrongs don't make a right?

Mrs. Montgomery looks up from her desk and notices what's going on and quickly makes her way out to the hallway.

"Excuse me! This isn't a place nor a time to be doing stuff like that! This is a final warning. Get to class or go home. If I catch you doing this again on school property, it'll be to the principals office for you two!" she raises her voice in pure disgust at the two of them.

Jared rolls his eyes and walks off while Karen smirks as she begins to walk away but not before she locks eyes with me inside the classroom.

Oh shit—

I'm pretty sure she knows that I witnessed everything between her and Jared. That's probably why she glares at me with her ice cold eyes—threatening me to even think about saying anything to Jackson.

I wouldn't because it would only make me look desperate, especially after our kiss earlier. Like I'm making some shit up to get on his good side so he'll choose me instead of her. I advert my eyes back to my project and forget about what I saw as she storms off.

Mrs. Montgomery makes a comment as she closes the classroom door about young hormonal teenagers and prays that they're at least using protection so they don't reproduce. I silently laugh to myself at her remark—I wonder what she'd say about me if she knew only half of the things I've done back home.

Last period finally ends and I'm ready to head home. After everything that's happened today, I need a moment of peace and quiet to collect myself. Maybe I can convince Megan to do some yoga exercises with me?

However that plan goes to complete shit when I walk through the classroom door and my arm is forcefully grabbed as I'm shoved against the wall. It nearly takes my breath away and I glare down at the platinum blonde bitch that is glaring right back at me with her hands on my shoulders.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I spit at Karen and try to push her off of me but somehow this chick must have taken some power enhancing juice recently and I can't get her to move.

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