XI. Fuck That Sounds So Good Coming Out Of Your Mouth

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A/N: Bit of interesting backstory for Lee in this chapter ^_^

Also I'm currently dealing with trying to get better from being sick. Weird bit of info about me—I have to take DayQuil at night and NightQuil during the day because for some reason they have the opposite effect on me. Weird right? O.o

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XI. Fuck That Sounds So Good Coming Out Of Your Mouth


Today has been one hell of a day for me. I've had people I didn't even know—which was pretty much everyone—come up and give me praise for the fight yesterday between Karen and me.

Honestly—I'm not proud of it. Like at all.

I should've just walked away and let Karen put me down with her words. In the end, she got the reaction out of me that she wanted.

Thankfully, I didn't end up getting suspended.

We both got a warning since it was only the second day of school, along with detention for the rest of the week. Karen ended up getting lunch detention while I got after school detention.

I was perfectly okay with that. That way we aren't in the same vicinity of one another and I don't have to worry about her starting her shit again.

I half expected her to say something to me today out in the halls but she never did. I think she's still shocked that her relationship with Jackson is officially over and she can no longer use him to her advantage. According to Megan, Jackson had given her an ear full yesterday while I was still in the principal's office with Grandma.

Probably helped those words sink in even more when he rushed right past her and kissed me as soon as I walked out of the office. Oops. Sorry, not sorry? Yeah, I'm really not sorry about that.

I had texted Jackson last night after I got home—letting him know everything was okay but that I'd have to talk to him today because I was expecting a phone call from Dad.

Surprisingly my dad wasn't that upset with me.

Sure I could've handled it so many different ways but he was proud of me for sticking up for myself. He was especially happy that I utilized the skills he taught me for self defense, managing to keep Karen off of me without needing to severely hurt her.

My grandma of course was immensely irritated with him—telling him a girl shouldn't know those kinds of things, that girls shouldn't know how to fight period. Then again what do I expect? Grandma never liked what Dad had done for a living before he retired.

Back in the day, Marcus 'The Maniac' Harris was a well known MMA fighter in Australia. He'd been touring in America over eighteen years ago when he happened to meet my mother in New York.

You know, the typical cliche romantic instance of meeting outside of a coffee shop in Times Square.

Apparently my mother had ran away from home at eighteen and never looked back. It wasn't until she met my dad and got pregnant with me that she moved back home to Clinton Hills, North Dakota.

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