XV. Promises

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A/N: Sweet Lex moment ahead ^_^ Enjoy!

Also listen to Wannabe by Dylan Schneider. Perfect song to represent Jacksons love for Lee ^_^

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XV. Promises



Jackson and I have been dating for three months now and it's been the best three months of my entire life.

We nearly spend every waking moment together and when we have to part at night, I wish so badly we could continue to stay with one another. I'd give anything to be able to fall asleep in his embrace.

When I walk through the double doors of the school with Megan, Jackson is already standing by my locker as usual in his signature James Dean attire. He glances up at me through his lashes and smiles his award winning dimpled smile before he pushes off my locker and wraps his arms around me.

We still don't kiss or show too much PDA aside from hugging while at school. There's been plenty of times when people would ask if we are even dating because they never see us kissing. That's how we like it though. We save moments like that for when we aren't at school or in a large crowd.

Every kiss, every touch, is intimate and precious to us. Neither one of us wants to share that openly with the rest of the world.

Even though we've been dating for three months, we still haven't gotten intimate with one another. Not even anything as less as oral—nothing. I don't know how he's managed to keep himself under control this whole time.

Honestly, it's been me that's been trying to pounce on him where he gently reminds me to calm down, that it'll happen when it's the right time. I keep wondering when the hell is the right time.

What is he waiting for?

"Hey Sweetie, how'd you sleep last night? Dream of me?" he grins down at me as runs his fingers through my hair that's loosely curled for today.

"Always," I smile as I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and lean my forehead against his.

We hold each other like this, just staring into each other's eyes, silently communicating, until the bell rings.

The school day goes by fast and by my last period, I'm excited to be going out tonight with Jackson to celebrate our three month anniversary. I've never been one to celebrate anniversaries for anything, but with him, it's milestones like this that mean the world to me.

Usually he's out front on the tailgate of his truck, waiting for me with Alex—but today he's not. He told me after our second period that he was going to leave when he's suppose to so he can get everything ready for tonight.

"So are you excited about tonight?" Megan asks me enthusiastically as we pull up in front of grandma's house.

I still can't call it home. It's just not home to me unless Dad is here. This, this is all temporary until Dad is able to come here in a few months.

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