XXXIII. Firsts

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A/N: So in this chapter, we get a look into the routine of a tattooist. Plus kind of a sexy moment between LEX (Lee & Jax) Enjoy!

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XXXIII. Firsts


I'm in the middle of doing the final touches of my last client of the day when I hear Natalie scream for Jackson in excitement, telling me he's finally arrived from work. I smile to myself as I continue working.

It's been a week since we told her and everyday she's constantly attached to Jackson. She's 100% a daddy's girl and I'm perfectly okay with that. Hopefully we will have a boy one day and then I can have my mama's boy. Knowing my luck, all of our kids will be more attached to their dad than me, despite if they're a boy or girl.

Oh well, at least their father is an amazing man to look up to.

Jackson shows up in the doorway with Natalie in his arms and smiles at me, silently greeting me since he hasn't seen me since lunch. I bite my bottom lip at the sight of him in his work clothes. He's got on his Wranglers, boots, and a short sleeved black polo on. Anywhere else, this attire wouldn't be favorable as a doctor but here, in Clinton Hills, the northern part of the country, it's preferred. It makes country folks here feel more comfortable than a doctor in a suit and tie.

Honestly, Jackson would look good in anything. From his work clothes down to his basic jeans, a plain t-shirt and converse, all of it to me is sexy as hell. My client—a good looking middle aged man named Malcom, smiles over at Jackson and Natalie and looks back at me.

"I take it that's your little girl and hubby?" Malcom asks with a crooked grin.

"Something like that," I grin back and he chuckles.

Jackson and I aren't married yet but we might as well be. We're already acting like a married couple in the week since we've been engaged.

Alex pokes his head in next to Jackson and Natalie, smiling widely at me. I laugh as I shake my head in amusement. Alex has always been the goofy one out of all of us. The comic relief of the group you could say. Get him and Jackson together and you'll be laughing for hours until your sides are hurting.

"What are you doing here Cambridge?" I ask as I wipe down my clients arm with green soap to clear it of blood and loose ink before taking a picture of the finished piece.

"Why I'm here to get a tattoo Harris, I mean Daniels," he laughs and playfully elbows Jackson's arm.

"Oh are you now?" I laugh and take a few pictures of my clients arm before I let him get up to look at it in the mirror.

"Damn Lee, you're fucking amazing. I swear if you weren't already spoken for I'd ask for your number and take you out on a nice date. You're one hell of a woman," he chuckles and I laugh in response.

"Thank you Malcom. You're far too kind. I'm glad you like it," I smile and glance over at Jackson. He's smiling down at Natalie and kisses her temple.

Once I get Malcom all set up to leave, I quickly take down my work area and Alex sits in the chair Malcom was sitting in after I pull off the Saran Wrap cover I usually wrap it in to keep the leather material safe from contamination. I laugh at him as I finish cleaning up.

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