Shinso's string

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Shinso's string had always been there. He loved to watch it change colour and feel the emotions running through the string. However, he had never smiled. He did mock his dad's sadistic grin, but he had never smiled a genuine, happy smile.
Because of his insomnia, he couldn't sleep. But when he focused on his soul mate string, he managed to drift off for a few minutes.
Shinso had gone on the Internet as a four year old, and finding out what the different colours of his string meant. Yellow was happy, grey was tired, orange was evil/harmful, blue was sad/stressed, pink was embarrassed/startled,  green was disgusted, purple was uncomfortable/frightened, red was angry, and white was neutral/asleep. But the colour he found was bad news, was black. That meant that your Soul mate had broken the string, or they couldn't see it. Half of the string was black, and Shinso knew it was his fault.
He ignored the black half, and focused on the other half, that was most often yellow. He liked the fact that his soul mate was happy, but he suspected some of it was faked, due to the other colours mixed in. To help his soul mate,  he poured all his happiness through the string, hiding his emotions at the same time.

One morning he was staring at his string, currently a yellowish white colour. He blinked, and it was gray. He watched as it turned to a bluey purple, his soul mate obviously thinking they were late for school, until it turned white.
He realised there's no school...
As he had that thought, the string slowly turned a bright pink colour. The car he was in stopped, and he looked up at the tall building.
"Welcome to class 1-A Hitoshi."
His dad drawled tiredly in the front seat, checking his phone.
"Where's Kaminari got to?"
Shinso rolled his eyes.
"Dad, I don't need any friends."
His dad grunted.
"Well that defiantly worked for me."
His dad then glared at the blonde asleep beside him, and shooed Shinso out of the car.
"Have fun and don't forget, there's a halloween party at five."
Shinso harumphed at his dad's whisper yelling and ran off into the building.
Just as he reached for the handle, the door swung open to reveal a very startled pikachu. In that moment, he saw the pink soul mate string connect to the shorter male's pinkie finger.
"Oh! Shinso you're the new student!"
Shinso nodded, trying hard not to smile.
I can't let him know. There's no way he would want me as a soul mate. No matter what, I won't smile
He snapped out of his trance like state as Kaminari waved his hand in front of his face. The blonde smiled as the string turned a bright yellow. Positive vibes flowed through the string, urging him to smile. It took him a moment to realise the beutiful blonde was speaking.
"So Shinso, is that all your luggage?"
He looked down to his hand where a bag nestled in his hand. Looking back to Kaminari, he simply nodded, not trusting his mouth to be respectful of the blonde. The yellow string shifted, blue pushing it's way into the depths of it.
Shoot! Why must I have a resting bitch face!
Kaminari's face fell slightly, and Shinso's soul mate sighed. In the next second Shinso could have sworn he saw a light bulb go off above Kaminari's head. The blonde smiled at him.
"Hey Shinso, Do you have a soul mate?"
Shinso nodded and lifted his hand with the string and stared at it. Now the yellow was struggling to cover the blue.
"Well who are they? Is she hot?"
Shinso wanted to tell Kaminari that he was his soul mate so much he nearly bit his tounge.
"They're... Pretty.... but I'm not telling you who he-I mean she is."
A smirk spread across Kaminari's face, and Shinso mentally face palmed himself.
He can't find out. If he does he'll hate me!

I shall not smile!

SMILE! (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now