Todokiribakudeku Epilouge

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Kirishima poked Midoriya and Bakugou awake. The greenette squinted his red eyes at Kiri, while the blonde pretended he was still asleep.

"Ei? Why're you up so early?"

Midoriya stifled a yawn as he slowly sat up. Kirishima grinned and held up Bakugou's hero suit.

"It's our first day of being pro heroes!"

Bakugou sat up at that. Midoriya snorted.

"Yeah same Kat, I wanted to sleep until responsibilities came and decided to annoy me."

Bakugou grinned and tackled Midoriya with a kiss. Kiri whined a little, feeling left out.

"Come on guys, we need to get ready for work."

Bakugou got off a blushing greenette and stuck his tongue out.

"Bleh, I hate responsibilities."

Despite Bakugou's whining, the three were arriving at work half an hour later. Fatgum came out to greet them with outstretched arms. 

"Kirishima, welcome back! I can see that you have Bakugou and Midoriya with you."

Bakugou slipped his arm around Kiri's waist protectively, while Midoriya dashed forward to hug Fatgum. Bakugou harumphed.

"Kat, he's been my mentor for ages, you don't need to be so protective."

Fatgum grinned, hugging the small greenette.

"Kirishima, you never told me you had a boyfriend!"

Kirishima blushed. Bakugou smirked. Midoriya made happy noises as he sunk into Fatgum.

"Actually, the three of us are in a poly relationship."

Fatgum chuckled.

"even better! Come on inside, I'll tell you what we've planned for you."

Midoriya stepped back to where Baku and Kiri were chilling, then they followed Fatgum inside. He lead them to a room with pictures, maps, and news articles covering the walls. Midoriya leaned closer to one to read it and noticed the League of VIllains were mentioned in every single one. He shivered and moved closer to his boyfriends, both of them noticing the alarm in his red eyes.

"Can we make this quick? Izuku's not very fond of the League of Villains."

Fatgum glances to Bakugou, then Midoriya and nodded. He held up an image of a black-haired villain with ice and fire exploding around him.

"We have reason to believe this is Shoto Todoroki, so I thought that you three might be able to talk to him."

All three of them tensed up. Kirishima glanced at the orange string, while Bakugou tried to comfort the hyperventilating Midoriya. Kiri nodded at Bakugou, who took Midoriya out of the room.

"Fatgum, we'll need to talk about it before going after him. Midoriya saw him "die" and Todoroki told me that the league of villains were gonna erase his memory and make him a different person. I'm sorry, but we're not sure if we can help."

With that, Kirishima Bowed and left.

I will be continuing this story arc in a new book;
Rememember? (todokiribakudeku seaqual to smile!)

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