The Dust Settles

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The next day, Shinso blinked himself sleepily awake. He tried to stretch but his movements were constricted by the blankets and bodies wrapped around him. One of Mina's arms was around his waist, and his dad was sprawled across his lap. Sero was taped to the wall, and Jiro was over the back of the couch and Shinso's shoulder. Mineta (little shit) was taped to the ceiling and looked extremely bored. Everyone else was either on the couch or the floor. Shinso gingerly moved Jiro off his shoulder, then his dad off his lap and slipped out of Mina's grasp. He carefully stepped over the sleeping students of the floor and made his way towards the kitchen. He was stopped as he came face to face with a purple cat. It stared at him for a while, then took a cautious step towards him. He held his hand out to it. It came closer and sniffed his hand, licking his broken string. He smiled sadly and stroked behind its ear.

"Yeah, my string broke. I can't fix it now, since-"

Shinso bit his lip and hurriedly wiped his tears away. The cat meowed worriedly and nuzzled his hand. Shinso nodded and stroked it, his mind drifting away. He heard a tap on the window. Shinso whipped his head around and saw Kaminari standing by the window.

"Hey 'Toshi..."

Shinso stood up, startling the cat, which decided to sit where Shinso had been on the couch. He walked to Kaminari, his face unreadable.

"Hitoshi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you-"

Shinso cut him off by pressing his lips to Kaminari's. Kaminari melted into it, kissing back passionately. However, just as they were getting into it, Kaminari pushed Shinso away.

"We can't do this... I'm a villain, you're a hero, It wouldn't work!"

Shinso smiled sadly, intertwining their hands.

"I know, but I want to try. You're a good person, and I miss you..."

Kaminari stepped back and opened the window, ready to leap out. He glared at Shinso with tears in his eyes.

"We can't."

"Why not?"

Aizawa stood nearby, watching both of the teens. He glared at Kaminari.

"You may be a villain, but Hitoshi loves you. And I'm not letting my son get heartbroken. You two are soulmates."

Shinso and Kaminari both glared at him.

"Our string is broken, we aren't soulmates anymore!"

Aizawa motioned to their hands, which had a blue soulmate string drifting between them.

"Then what's that string doing there?"

Shinso stared at his dad in shock, then at the blue, pink and purple string. Kaminari stared at it as well, first shock and confusion, then sadness expressed on his face and in the string. 

"I'll cut it if it'll free Shinso."

-----meanwhile, upstairs-----

Bakugou woke up the moment it turned 7:15 am. He opened his eyes and saw not one, but two boys cuddled in his arms. He smiled at their sleeping faces, but couldn't ignore the twinge of guilt.

Why does it feel like I'm stealing him from Icyhot?

The explosive blonde sighed and brought his hand up to his face to rub the sleep from his eyes, then saw that the white string that linked him to Kirishima had two companions.

Three soulmates? Is that even possible? 

One was orange, and the other one of the unidentified strings shifted from white to grey, then suddenly turned pink.

"K-kacchan? You have three soulmates?"

Bakugou glanced over at Midoriya, noting his string shifting into blue. The greenette was staring at him, not moving as Kirishima was nuzzled into his neck. Surprisingly, Bakugou felt no jealousy looking at this image. He smiled softly at Midoriya, brushing some hair out of his eyes.

"Good morning Izuku, yes it would appear I have three soulmates. Can I see your string?"

Midoriya nodded sadly and brought his hand up. It had three strings. One white, one orange, and one pink/purple. Bakugou brought his hand closer and saw the pink/purple one connect to his. Midoriya blushed.

"h-how is this possible???"

Bakugou shrugged. No one knew much about soul strings.

"The question we really should be asking is who the orange string connects to. The white ones Kirishima, I'm positive about that. And if that's the string that connects to Todoroki, why isn't it black?"

Midoriya stared wide-eyed at it. Could Todoroki really be alive? There was a muttering noise from Kirishima, and the white string shifted to grey. Midoriya turned to Kirishima.

"Hey, Eijiro, who were you talking to last night?"

The end is near guys. I have a (non-concrete) plan.

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