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Kaminari sped back to the villain Base, using his electricity to speed himself up. He flashed through the front door and collapsed on on the floor, panting and with a crazy blush on his cheeks. Shigaraki leaned over, poking the blonde.

"Hey, you okay?"

Kaminari sat up quickly, sparks flying off him.

"Don't. touch. Me."

Shigaraki shrugged and leaned back onto his bar stool. He knew the uneasiness between them would ease up soon.

"So... Pika-Arrow huh?"

Kaminari looked away.

"I thought it was cool.... Cause y'know, my quirk is electricity, (like pikachu) and I can speed myself up."

Shigaraki chuckled. Despite the threats, Shigaraki kinda liked Kaminari, and missed him when he left. Shiggy got up and streached. He held his hand out to Kami.

"Do you know what Frozen Fire decided to do after killing his father?"

Kaminari shook his head and stood up, ignoring Shigaraki's hand.

"Soon after we killed Endavour, Todoroki and Midoriya dissapeared."

Shigaraki chuckled.

"Awww that's a shame."

Shigaraki pulled a small button out of his pocket, and pressed it. Then he put it back as the teleporting mist appeared behind him. Kurogiri sighed.

"Another one? I kinda liked him."

Shigaraki nodded.

"Yeah me too. Can you please go and collect him? We don't want the pro heroes catching him."

Kurogiri nodded and dissapeared. Kaminari growled.


Shigaraki sighed. He didn't like breaking the little Pika-Arrow's trust, but he had to in order to keep the whereabouts of the LOV a secret. He let the scilence stretch until Kurogiri came back, holding Todoroki.

Todoroki's eyes were wide and frozen in place. Kaminari ran foward and checked for a pulse, but there was nothing.

He fell to his knees.

"No... Stop hurting my classmates... please..."

Todoroki's dull eyes stared up at the ceiling as Kaminari broke down and cried.

SMILE! (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now