After the party

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Kaminari felt warm. His eyes were still tightly shut, but he could feel the warmth embracing him like a nice hug. The warmth moved. Kaminari forced his eyes open to see Shinso staring at him, stony faced as ever. Blushes abruptly appeared on the two boys.

"Shinso?!?!? What are you doing in my room?!?!?!?"

Shinso sighed, and began to explain what had happened the night before. Kaminari's face got redder. And redder. And redder. Hiding his face, he mumbled a few apologies.


"Chill it's fine."

Looking down at the bed, Kaminari saw a string. It was orange, and Kaminari was excited. He looked up at Shinso, his eyes bright.

"Shinso! I got my string!"

The reaction Kaminari expected was surprised and happy. What he got was pure anger.

"Show me."

Slightly shocked, Kaminari stared at Shinso, but he did as asked. Shinso's face paled, and he got up. With out a word, Shinso dissapeared out the door, leaving Kaminari to wonder why he left and where his string would lead.


Kaminari was following his string. Based on  Shinso's reaction to the string, he should have thought through his decision and found that he probably shouldn't, but he really wanted to find his soul mate. Eventually, his string lead him outside.

He found a comftorble bench and sat down, staring at his still orange string. A cough caught his attention, and he looked up to see Jiro, a string wrapped around her ring finger that was connected to his own.

♡~With Shinso~♡

Shinso looked out his window to see Kaminari sitting alone on a bench, staring at his ring finger. He took a deep breath.

"I can't lose him. I have to smile now."

Making his way down to outside, he thought of his adorable Pikachu, and the first genuine smile to ever appear on Shinso's face appeared. Only to open his eyes outside to see Jiro and Kaminari kissing. He bit his lip at the black in his string dissapeared to be replaced with a mix of colours. Shock and sadness coursed through the string to Kaminari.

Breaking out of the kiss, Kaminari saw Shinso sprinting away, a deep blue string training behind him that was connected to Kaminari's pinkie finger.


Kaminari ran after him. Darting up the stairs, he saw red flood the string, pushing the blue out. Kaminari slammed into Shinso's door, just as the string went limp, and black devoured it.

Shinso flung the door open to see Kaminari sitting in the hall. As the Pikachu saw the sissors in his hand and the limp string, Kaminari thought that he would never be able to have a soul mate.

SMILE! (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now