Maria's side of the story

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♡~Let's continue~♡

It took Maria a few minutes to explain exactly what was going on to Neil, and then a few more minutes to coordinate all the students. The ones she knew wouldn't break anything, she let inside. The destructive ones (like Bakugou) stayed outside and checked the outside of the house.

Once all the students were looking around, she smiled at Aizawa, guiding him to the kitchen just off the living room.

"Coffee or tea? And what type?"

Aizawa grunted.

"Coffee. Black."

Maria nodded as the jug on her bench finished boiling, and she poured it into a plunger with freshly ground coffee. While waiting for it to steep, she looked back to Aizawa.

"So what questions do you have for me?"

Aizawa sighed as she poured coffee into a black cup with cat ears and a kawaii face on it.

"First off, I'd you to tell me what happened last night in your perspective."

Maria nodded and gave him the cup. She settled into the hard kitchen chair and began to speak.

"Last night, I was getting ready for bed when there was knocking in the door. I told Neil to get it, while making myself look presentable. When I was ready, I hurried over to the Living room, and heard Shinso and Kaminari wanted to fix their string. I came in and told them what they needed to do. Once they knew, they started to plan what they were gonna do. Part way through, Neil heard a knock at the door, so he went off to check it. I didn't think muck of it, until a girl with messy blonde hair in twin buns broke through the window. She started to fight Todoroki, Midoriya, Shinso and Kaminari, but the five of them were portalled away. The last thing I remember is a blue haired guy coming towards me. The blonde yelled something at him, so he just whacked me."

Maria sighed, finishing her story. Aizawa was silent. Then a Kiri shriek from the living room caused both of the adults to jump up and sprint towards him.

Kiri was fighting off Toga, and the other students were nowhere to be seen. Aizawa contained Toga, but then a portal enveloped her and she was gone. Aizawa growled in fustration.

"Did she say anything that might help us figure out where they are?"

Kiri shook his head, shaking a little bit. Mr Aizawa's face softened a bit and he turned to Maria.

"Thank you for your co-operation, but we shall take our leave now."

He leaned out the window and called over to Bakugou:

"Tell the rest of the class we're leaving."

Then jumped back in and blocked his ears.

♡~With Kamishin~♡

Kaminari groaned in pain as he woke up. He slowly and painfully opened his eyes. His senses flooded wth light, and he hissed a bit while his eyes adjusted.

When he could see, he saw a guys with purple patches all over his body, metal things around the edges. When Dabi saw that Kami was awake, he stood and walked a bit closer.

"Denki Kaminari. Do you know why you are here?"

Denki scoffed.

"Yeah I do. Shigaraki wants to recruit me into the league, right?"

Dabi nodded. He sat down in front of Deku and untied him from the chair he had been strapped to earlier.

"I'm here to get your opinion on the villain outfits we've designed."

Denki rubbed his arms where the ropes had been. He scowled at Dabi.

"I'm not becoming a villain."

Dabi chuckled and whispered something in Denki's ear. As he listened, Denki's eyes got wider. Finally, Denki sighed in defeat.


He gets up, a glint of something undescribable in his eyes.

"I'll join the League of Villains."

He walks out the door, his black string trailing behind him. If It was connected to Shinso still, it would have been a deep bluey purple.

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