Shinkami Epilogue

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Shinso ran through the forest, following the directions on a slip of paper. He dodged around a weeping willow and spotted the clearing described in the directions. He slowed to walk, staring around at the cherry tree in the centre. Kaminari's soft words echoed in his mind.

"Act as if  I've rejected you, then follow the directions on the piece of paper I gave you. We can talk in private there, and arrange a way for us to still work."

The purple-haired teen glanced around, taking in the carefully tended rose bushes, beautiful ponds full of colourful fish, and a gravel path. His gaze froze on a blonde teen watering the rose bushes about thirty meters away. He called out;

"Denki! I'm here!"

Kaminari glanced up and grinned. He ran over to Shinso, discarding the watering can and jumping into Shinso's arms. They both laughed, happy to be near each other again. Kaminari leaned down and kissed Shinso, pouring as much love into it as he could. Shinso put Kaminari down and smiled softly.

"So this is where you go when I can't find you."

Kaminari nodded.

"I got someone to make it so that it's impossible to notice unless you're looking for it. This garden is something my family has been working on for years. I thought it would be a good place for us to meet and have the chance to love each other."

Shinso smiled softly and glanced around at the garden again.

"It's perfect. But I think you're the most beautiful thing here."

Kaminari giggled and leaned up to kiss him again. They were happy. But how long could they keep this a secret?

Find out in the sequel; 


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