Where are they?

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"This morning four UA students were confirmed missing. Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, Denki Kaminari and Hitoshi Shinso left the campus for personal issues but never returned. It is suspected that the League of Villains are behind the missing students, but no one knows why the League of Villains wants these four students, or where they are. If you find any of these students, please call the number on the screen."

♡~I'm sorry.... TT^TT~♡

Everyone in the 1-A dorms was devastated. They all had woke up to the news of four missing classmates and friends. They all sat silently in the common room. Kirishima,(poor sweet oblivious angel) came into the common room with no knowledge of the missing students, and beamed at everyone.

"What's wrong guys? And where's kamishin and tododeku?"

Bakugou glared sadly at Kirishima.

"They're missing."

Kirishima's smile faltered.

"Wh-what do you mean? They were here last night!"

"I let Shinso go get his string fixed. But he never came back. It's my fault for not sending anyone with them."

Kirishima spun around to see Aizawa standing in the doorway, still a mess. The quirk erasing hero walked to the middle of the room before speaking again.

"I will be leading a mission to find them. Anyone who wants to help, can follow me. We leave at noon."


All 16 if class 1-A's students waited for Aizawa to show up. Everyone cared for the students missing, so of course they weren't going to back down! The sleepy pro walked towards them, staring seriously at his students.

"Alright. Let's go."

The group followed Aizawa as he made his way towards the school gates. Kirishima managed to push to the front.

"So... where are we going first?"

"XX Fakestreet Avenue. It's where the quad went before going missing."

The large group walked in scilence until they came to the house. Aizawa walked up and knocked on the door. Scrambling could be heard from the inside, and a scraggly redhead opened the door.

"Hello. We're looking for four UA students that were headed here last night. Do you know where they might be?"

The redhead stared blankly at Aizawa, until understanding dawned in his eyed.

"Oooh! You mean you're looking for Purple dude and Denki? Yeah they showed up last night, and then a Black haired dude with weird purple scars on his face showed up and said he there to pick them up. I didn't belive him and tried to close the door, and then I heard shattering glass in the living room. I ran to check what was going on, but there was just a whole lot of glass shards on the floor and Maria was lying on the floor! She's my boss by the way."

Aizawa nodded.

"Thankyou. We will need to search your house."

The red head put out a hand to stop him.

"No! This house belongs to Maria, and she wouldn't let strangers search the house! If you want to get in, you'll have to go through me."


Thank you for reading my story and holy guacamole, I already have 1K reads! You'll soon get to see Neil and Maria's Quirks in action! :)

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