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All it said was:

To fix a broken string,
Forgive and forget.
Go to place of memories,
The string shall reset
Under the sparkling stars.

Shinso stared at it for a while. Denki looked over to him and had to stifle a laugh when he could pretty much see the floating equations in front of his face.Then Shinso's eyes lit up.

"So. It's saying that Denki and I need to go to a place we had a good memory at, at night,  then the string will be fixed?"

Maria chucked.

"Well the poem didn't say this, but you also need to kiss."

Shinso's face burned at her words. He gulped and chuckled nervously. This was gonna be fun.

♡~I'm bored so Timeskip :P

Aizawa sat at the UA gate. He scanned the dark road, looking for his son and students. He had tricked Nezu into thinking the four students were asleep in their dorms, now all he needed to do was look for the students.

Except they never came.

As the sun rose, Aizawa rushed to Nezu's office. He burst through the door, panting and dishevelled, causing the small mouse like creature to spill his morning cup of coffee all over himself.

"Good heavens Aizawa! I was just going to have my coffee!"

Aizawa stopped and caught his breath. When he finally looked up at Nezu, his eyes were red and bloodshot, tears threatening to fall.

"Four of my students. They went missing!"

♡~Dun Dun Duuuuun...~♡

Kaminari lay in the corner of a very dark room. No shackles confined him. Even without shackles, he struggled to lift his head and look for something that would tell him where he was. Flinching at the bruises and cuts littered over his body, he managed to sit up. He struggled to breathe as he scanned the small room. Next to him lay Shinso. The brainwasher looked like he had received even worse treatment than Kaminari, as his hair had been matted together, and the only thing he could manage was staring angrily at the wounds on his boyfriend.

Neither of them had the energy to speak, so Kaminari gently took Shinso's hand.

After a while of sitting in the dark scilence, a light flicked on, blinding both of them. Kaminari struggled through the pain to shield his face, and he heard a low chuckle that sent shivers down his spine.

"Why hello. You two seem to be in pain. Will you help us? We will heal your injuries..."

Kaminari's eyes finally adjusted to the light to see Shigaraki Tomura standing in the doorway. His breathing quickened as the villain stepped closer. As he began to panic, sparks of electricity leapt towards the villain, telling him to back off. The blue haired villain just chuckled again.

"Come on. I'm here to recruit you two into the League of Villains!"

SMILE! (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now