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"Don't kill my friends."

Shigaraki smirked and his eyes flicked towards the motionless body on the floor. Kaminari glanced towards it and saw Todoroki's finger twitch. Kaminari rushed over to him and shook him.

"Todoroki??? Oh thank god you're awake!"

Todoroki blinked sleepily at Kaminari. His eyes were extremely out of focus, but he seemed to recognise the blonde.

"Kaminari? Wha- Where's Izuku?"

Shigaraki stood up and walked towards the two on the floor.

"Nice to see you awake. We had to make you temporarily dead. Izuku happened to see you "die", poor him. We are going to erase your memories and give you a makeover so you aren't recognisable. You're a valuable asset but you would have a few weak spots if we were to leave your memories intact."

Todoroki's face paled, and Kamanari growled.

"You can't do that! He has a boyfriend and a family! Can he at least say goodbye?"

Shigaraki stared at Todoroki for a bit, then sighed. He turned around and held up one finger.

"One hour. If you go over that time we'll kill Midoriya."

Todoroki nodded and ran out the door towards UA.

----15 minutes later----

Kirishima was awoken by a tap tap tap on the window. He groaned and slipped away from Bakugou and Midoriya. Looking out the window, he saw a sweaty, panting Todoroki staring at him with a confused look on his face. He opened the window and slipped out to join him.

"Todoroki? But Izuku said you were-"

Kirishima stopped himself saying the word. Todoroki chuckled and smiled softly.

"Turns out the LoV wants to erase my memory and turn me into a different person. I only have-"

He checks his watch.

"44 minutes of being me. I came to tell Izuku, but he seems to be asleep in Bakugou and your arms."

Kirishima blushed as Todoroki raised an amused eyebrow. Kirishima stuttered over what to say for several minutes until half-and-half held up his hand.

"Take good care of Izuku. I can tell that you and Bakugou may be able to make him happier than I ever could. You'll probably see me again without my memories, and I hope you'll comfort any pain that he might fe-"

Todoroki got cut off my Kirishima pulling him into a hug.

"Stop talking like this is the end for you! Can't you just come back?"

Todoroki was silent until he checked his watch.

"I have 20 minutes to get back. Goodbye Kirishima, and look after Izuku"

Todoroki smiled sadly at Kirishima before jumping down to the grass below, rolling, and running off into the woods. The redhead stared sadly after him, knowing that his classmate would be completely different soon. Kiri was snapped out of his thoughts when Izuku's sleepy voice drifted to him;

"Eiiiii~ Why'd you leeeeeaaaave? I'm cold :("

Kiri chuckled and came back inside. He snuggled into the bed, inhaling Midoriya and Bakugou's scent. Bakugou chuckled, probably awake because Midoriya woke up.

"He's a boyfriend, not drugs."

"I was inhaling your scent too!"

"H-huh??? Boyfriends??? >///////<"

"How the fuck are you saying those things out loud?"

I'll tell him tomorrow Todoroki, I promise.

Meanwhile, Shinso is sleeping with the whole class and his dad comforting him, but nothing fills the hole where Kaminari once was.

SMILE! (Kaminari x Shinso)Where stories live. Discover now