The end

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Shinso stared at Kami, then hugged him tightly. Kaminari felt a wet patch growing on his shoulder. The sad purple cat boi murmured to Kaminari;

"Kami, the pain of cutting the string, It's not worth it. Please, just let us figure something out."

Kaminari stared at the floor, murmuring something to Shinso with a grim expression. Shinso recoiled from Kaminari, concealing the string from Aizawa.

"D-Denki please..."

Kaminari glanced away, turning to face the window.

"Goodbye, Hitoshi."

Shinso fell to the floor, Aizawa rushing forward to hug the seemingly broken teen. Kaminari glanced back with a small smile on his face, disappearing into the shadows cast by the rising sun. 


Kirishima laughed, grinning.

"Ayoma was putting cheese on your balcony again. I was telling him to go away."

Midoriya shivered.

"He needs to stop doing that. It's creepy."

Bakugou nuzzled into Midoriya's neck. Midoriya squeaked, his neck being highly sensitive.

"We'll scare off anyone who's scaring or hurting you. And you wanna know why?"

Midoriya nodded at Bakugou's question. Both Bakugou and Kirishima smiled and said;

"Because we love you!"

Midoriya blushed and hid his face in his hands, squeeing happily. He peeked through his fingers and murmured;

"I-I love you guys too."

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