Deku's fate

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Kirishima stared at Midoriya, conflicted on what to do. Todoroki's dead? What if it's a trap? What happened to Midoriya's eyes? He heard footsteps behind him, then Bakugou's voice.

"Oi Eijiro, who is it?"

The blonde looked down at the greenette on the doorstep and his face darkened. Kirishima nervously glanced at him, tensing up for the chaos that he was sure was about to be unleashed... 

Then Bakugou turned around and walked back towards the living room.

"I'll tell Sensei."

Deku stared blankly after him, confused. Kirishima sighed in relief. Those anger management lessons really did help him. There was an awkward silence as they waited for Bakugou and Aizawa to come back.

"You're lying, right? It's a trap set by the villains-"

Midoriya cut him off with a glare. His red eyes were puffy, and tears still leaked from them.

"Does it look like I'm fucking around? Shoto died in front of me, and you know what Kurogiri said when he came to pick up the body??? "I'm sorry kid, but Shigaraki didn't trust him." THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!"

Aizawa showed up behind Kirishima, Bakugou leading. The teacher's eyes glowed and he bound Midoriya with his scarf. When he spoke, his voice was low and threatening.

"You have some nerve showing up here. What do you want?"

Midoriya bit his lip, remembering Todoroki's lifeless eyes.

"I need help to take down some Villains."

Aizawa scoffed. 

Who does he think he is? This is obviously a trap. They wouldn't kill someone as powerful as Todoroki.

Midoriya seemed to sense what Aizawa was thinking and stared down at the ground. The villainous Sinnamon roll muttered something, then passed out. 



Everyone just stared at Midoriya's unconscious body. Kirishima chuckled.

"Man, being a villain seems pretty tiring if he falls asleep in the middle of being threatened."

Aizawa and Bakugou nodded in agreement. Bakugou sighed and scooped Midoriya up bridal style. The sleeping teen unconsciously cuddled into Bakugou's chest, smiling softly. Aizawa watched with a raised eyebrow, pulling out his list of possible relationships between his students. He watched carefully as Kirishima rushed over to help, blushing as he also held the greenette.


Kirishima and Bakugou brought Midoriya up to his room, as it was the closest, then laid him down in the bed. Kiribaku looked at Midoriya, then they both shrugged and got into the greenette's bed as well. Wrapping his beautiful muscular arms around them, (sorry what?) Bakugou smiled at Kiri.

"Hey Eijiro, Ever heard of this thing called Polymoros?"

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

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