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You're walking with the Mist Pillar, Muichiro Tokito, your ex-lover. Actually, he's walking before you. It shows that he don't want to walk with you. When Master Kagaya said that you two will be partner, he seems want to refuse but ofcourse he can't do that. So he still despised you, ha? Well, he has the right to feel that. You broke up with him. He's really against with that but you insisted. He even begged for you to stay but you didn't listen to him, because that time the only thing that matters to you is your dream, to be a part of the Pillars. For you, being a relationship with Muichiro is only a distraction, so without thinking and considering his feeling, you decided to cut your ties with him even you love him so much. And from that time, he stop talking to you. He don't even want to look at you. What you did is very wrong that's why you try to fix it but when you tried talking to him, he pushes you away saying don't come near him anymore. When the time has come, they decided to promote you to be a part of the Pillars but you refused it, thinking that you don't deserve it.

You snapped out in your thoughts when you heard him talk. "Can you walk faster, (Y/N)?" he said irritatedly.

"Sorry, okay? Why are you so grumpy?"

"You know, if it's not only Master's order, I will refuse to this. I can't stand being with you." he said in a cold tone.

It hurts but you need to show that you're not affected. "Can you just forget what happened between us and act civil even just for this day? We're here for a mission. So please, be professional."

He laughed bitterly. "I can't. If you can act like nothing happened, it's you. Well, what I can I expect from you? You don't care on what other's feeling." and with that he turn his back, walking away from you.

You're in the verge of crying but you don't want him to see that you're weak. You don't know how will you talk to him if he's like that. You shook your head. No, this is not the time for you to give up. You need to talk to him.  You need to say sorry for everything. It's now or never. If he's too stubborn then you need to be patient. Then you start following him.


*time skip*

You just finished your mission with him. You're on your way heading back but you still don't get the chance to talk to him.  He keeps on ignoring and yelling whenever you approached him. It hurts but you need to understand your situation. A smile appeared on your face as you remember what he did. He protected you from a demon. I guess, he's still care for you that's why you're more determined to talk to him. You decided to treat him.

"Muichiro, you want to eat first?"

He just ignored you, so you walk closer to him. "Hey, let's eat first. My treat. I want to thank you for saving me." You said, smiling.

"No need. Let's just go home." he said coldly.

He's so stubborn. You really want to be alone with him. You grabbed his hand. "Please, eat with me?"

He harshly removed your hand. "Don't touch me. Are you deaf? I told you, I don't want to. About what happened awhile ago, don't thank me. I just did the right thing to do, that's it. No more. So please, stop being annoying." then he pushed you causing you to fall down then he walked away.

You can't stand it anymore. He's been like that since morning. You cried out loud. You also start throwing a tantrums. You are in a crowded place so people easily noticed you causing them to pay attention to you. Muichiro seems shocked on what you did. He immediately went to you.

"Hey, (Y/N)-san. What are you doing? Stop crying, it's embarrassing." he said in a panicking voice.

"I don't want to and I don't care. Why are you so mean to me? I know I did something terrible to you that's why I'm doing anything to fix it but you keep on yelling and pushing me away." You said while sobbing loudly, kicking your feet like a child.

You knew that people around keeps on staring at you but you don't care. You heard some whispering came from others.

"I feel bad for the girl. The boy is merciless he made the poor girl cry."
"I agree. I thought he's nice. Boys nowaday."

That's some of the things you heard causing you to cry louder. You saw him panicked more so he immediately knelt down, to reach your level. You're not looking at him, so he cupped your face to met his gaze. He wiped your tears. "Ssshhh. I'm sorry for being mean to you, (Y/N)-san. Let's go home, okay?" He said calmly. You just nodded. You startled when he gave you a piggy-back ride. Walking silently, no one's want to speak. Great, maybe he's upset to you for making a scene like that. What the hell I'm thinking to did a scene like that? You said to yourself. You saw a chair so you asked him to sit there first. He went there and when reached it, he slowly put you down. Silence enveloped the two of you, again. This time, you're the one who broke it.

"Sorry." you said while staring at the sky. It's so peaceful.

"For what?" he said puzzled.

"For everything and for doing that. You know, the scene awhile ago?" you said laughing softly.

You heard him chuckles. "You should. Don't do that again. It's embarrassing. I should say sorry too for acting like that."

"Don't be. I understand."

"So what do you want to talk about? I know, you want to talk to me."

You sighed then starts talking. "I want to apologize for everything. I'm sorry for being a stupid. I'm sorry for breaking up with you. You're right. I don't care on what will other feels. I'm selfish. All I think is myself. That time, the only thing that matters to me is to be like you, to be a pillar. I decided on my own but I realized all I did was wrong."

"Is that the reason why you declined becoming a pillar?"

You nodded. "You don't deserve someone like me in your group. I don't have the rights to be a part of the Pillars if I hurt someone. One more thing, I don't want to give you a hard time. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry, Muichiro. I'm really sorry. I regret it so much." you said while bowing your head.

"Say, (Y/N). Did you ever love me?"

You looked at him and grabbed his hand causing him to look at you. "I did and believe me or not. I never stop loving you."

"Me too. Yes, I'm mad at you but it doesn't mean that I stop loving you. Maybe, I'm just bitter because I feel like it's nothing to you but like me, you're hurting too. I'm sorry too, (Y/N)-san." then he hugged you.

You immediately hugged him back and starts crying again. He just let you cry in his arms. You missed this guy so much. You both stay like that missing each warmth. It's been a while. He distanced himself away from you and reached for your face to wipe the tears that keep on falling in your face.

"Stop crying (Y/N)-san. Let's go home." He said, showing his smile that you missed the most.

"So are we okay now?"

"What do you mean by okay?"

You rolled your eyes at him. "I mean are we a couple again or just friends?"

"If it's me, I want us to be together again. Maybe, you're the one who don't want it."

"I didn't say that." then you laughed. "Hey, Muichiro. I love you. I swear this time, I'll be better. I won't do anything to hurt you again." You said sincerely.

He leans and kissed your forehead. "I love you too. Let's go home. It's getting late."

You nodded happily. I guess throwing a tantrums has a good outcome. It's worth it even it's embarrassing. You're glad that he gave you a second chance and this time you won't waste it. After all, you're still and always into him.


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