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You're currently sitting at the edge of the cliff, serenely, your favorite spot when you're in a bad mood. You love the wind here, and it's very quite that helps you to calm down. You had a fight with your mother because of the same reason. She really don't want you to be a part of Demon Slayer Corps because for her it's too dangerous. You explained it to her many things that you're doing it for her and for the whole family. You want to protect them from the human-eating demons but it seems that she can't really understand it. You sighed frustratedly, closing your eyes feeling the cold breeze hit your delicate skin, enjoying the feeling but you heard a loud cry and yelling that ruined your mood.

"WAAAAAH! I don't want to this! I want to die! The demon will eat me alive." he screams in despair.

You ignored the noise and continue relaxing but you heard it again.

"I want to kill myself before the demon will kill me! I will jump and no one can stop me!"

You decided to open your eyes to search where that noise coming from. There he is. You saw a boy wearing a yellow pattern yukata with a hair that looks like a french fries. You saw him crying like a child. Honestly, he looks stupid. Great, that annoying boy ruined your moment. You stood up, irritatedly. You walked to his direction, when you reached where he is, it seems like he didn't notice you because he still on his berserk mode. You don't know how will you approach him, so you just thought on hitting him and with that, you hit him with his shoulder, with all your force.

He stopped on crying and glared at you while rubbing his shoulder that you him. "What's your problem? Why did you do that? Are you crazy?" he asked, yelling at your face.

"Serves you right! Wow, you're asking what's my problem? It's you. Are you stupid? And please, can you tone down your voice?" you said in annoyance.

"Huh?! What did I do to you? You're the one who hit me."

"It's because that you're so noisy. You just ruined my peaceful staying and why are you here, in my place?"

"Your place? Do you have your name here? As far as I remember, this cliff is open to anyone."

"I don't care, this is my place. What do you think you're doing? Are you going to jump or you just want me to push you?"

"Yes, I'm going to jump. I want to die so just leave me alone."

You stared at him carefully, like you he's also wearing a demon slayer corps uniform and he also has a nichirin sword. How come you didn't see him?

"Wait, are you a demon slayer too?" then he nodded at you.

You started to laugh crazily. "Wait! So are you telling me that a crybaby like you, passed the final selection? How come?" you asked, mockingly.

He glared at you. "Not funny. If you're here to just tease me, go away."

"I told you this is my place. You're the one who supposed to leave not me." you said smiling sweetly.

"Who are you to say that?"

"I'm (F/N) (L/N). How about you, what's your name?"

"Why would I tell you?"

You raised your brow at him. "You should be thankful that a pretty lady like me is asking for your name."

"Whatever you say. I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma."

"Nice name. So, what are you doing here exactly? Are you really planning to jump?"

"What if I am?" he said, yelling at your face again.

"You're really stupid." You said, shaking your head.

"Uggggh! Go away!"

"You know what, Zenitsu? You. must be thankful that you passed the final selection and you're still here alike unlike those teenagers who died."

"But I'm not like those others who are strong and brave enough. I'm weak." he murmured, lowering his head.

"I don't think so. How come you passed the final selection if you're weak? Well, it's true that you're not brave but it's only at first."

He looked up to you. "By the way, are you a demon slayer too? How come that I didn't see you training with others?"

"Yes. Oh that, I prefer training alone."

"Are you not feeling lonely?"

"Not really. I always want to be alone. I don't want if my surroundings are noisy specially when I'm relaxing." then you glared at him.

"Oh about that, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."

"You should." then you rolled your eyes at him. "Oh, I'm sorry too for hitting you."

"So friends, (Y/N)-san?" then he offered his right hand.

"I don't need friends but maybe an acquaintance will do and one thing, I don't do shake hands."

He pouted at you. "Meanie. Okay, if you don't want to be my friend, then be my training buddy? I have this feeling that you're very strong."

"How about no? Just go home. It's getting late."

"Eeeehh! (Y/N)-san, pleaseee!"

"I said no. If you don't want to go home then I'm the one who will. I'll go ahead."

"Fine. I won't bother you anymore but can I see you again? Can I go here on my free time? I really want to be your friend even if you're a meanie." he said smiling.

"I don't know? I'm not always here but let's see. See you when I see you, Zenitsu-kun." you said sweetly then turned your back, starting to walk away. Until you heard him shouting, and you can feel that he is waving like an idiot.

"See you when I see you too, (Y/N)-san."

That guy is really noisy. You didn't bother to look back on him but it makes you smile. To be honest, you're also looking forward to meet him again. Well, it seems like visiting this place often is not a bad idea.


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