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"(Y/N)-san, you're here. It's so nice to see you." Mitsuri greeted you with a hug, as you entered at Master Kagaya's house. He called all of the Pillars for a meeting, including you because you're one of them. You returned the hug and greeted her back. "It's nice to see you again too, Mitsuri-san." then you removed yourself from her hug, smiling.

"(Y/N)-san, are you okay? Are you in a bad mood?" that's Shinobu, the Insect Pillar. "Yes, Shinobu-san. I'm okay. Don't mind me." You said re-assuring her with a smile so she smiled back to you. You also saw the other Pillars so you greet them one by one, when your eyes landed on Muichiro, your bad feeling instantly fade. Yes, you're in a bad mood but you didn't admit it because you don't want them to bombarded you a question, regarding on what happened. He waved at you while smiling, causing for you to smile back. He's so cute.

You startled when you heard someone whispers on your right ear. "Someone's being happy, huh?" he said teasingly. You yelp so you turn around to find out who is it and as expected, it's from the Sound Pillar, Uzui Tengen, your frenemy. You two are always fighting and bickering because he always tease you.

You punched him in his stomach then you heard him to hiss in pain. "Ugggh! Get lost!" you said frustratedly.

He rub his stomach while laughing. "Ouch! You're really a monster, (Y/N)-san. I mean, your height is so small but your strength is in different level."

You glared at him. "Leave me alone, Mr. Tengen, before I throw you outside without touching the floor."

Before he can answer, the door opened revealing Master Kagaya. All of you greeted him and bow down to show your respect. He greeted you back, ordering all of you to stand up, then in your surprise, he call you out.

"I just want to ask something to (Y/N), before we start our meeting." he said with his usual calm voice.

You feel nervous but you still manage to answer. "Yes, Master."

"(Y/N)-san, I want you to be honest with me, someone saw you a while ago, spilling water to some of our demon slayers, they also said that you threatened them. Is that true?"

"They deserved it, anyway." you mumbled then looked away.

"So, it's true. Why did you do that?"

"I heard those three ugly girls talking ill about Muichiro, they said, he don't deserve to be a Pillar because he's too young, weak and useless. I got irritated, being older to Muichiro doesn't give them the rights to disrespect him. He's still higher than them, they should know how to respect. I just teach them a lesson." you said crossing your arm.

"(Y/N), that's not a reason for you to do that. You should tell it to me. I told you, being a Pillar, you must protect everyone including those demon slayers who's lower than you."

"But—, before you can finish, someone cut your sentence. It's Muichiro.

"(Y/N)-san, don't do that again. You don't need to protect me, I can manage." he said with his a cold voice throwing you a disappointing look.

Master Kagaya speak again. "(Y/N), promise me that you won't do it again. I know that you're a short-tempered person but please control it. Am I making myself clear? I don't want this to happen again."

You nodded while mumbling. "Yes." The meeting for Pillars has been started. As usual, he tackled about those demons who do nothing to just eat humans. Annoying creatures. He also said that they are increasing day by day, so reminded all of you to not let your guard down. After a minute, Master sent you all already to go home, so others went home immediately, but before you can totally leave, Muichiro stopped you.

"(Y/N)-san, don't leave yet. Stay with me here first."

"Why? You're mad at me, right? Are you going to scold me too? Save it. I don't need that."

"I'm not." then he asked you to sit beside him.

Sighing, you sit beside him. "So, what do you want? Spill it." You heard him chuckle. "I just want to say sorry for those things I said earlier. Still, you should've just ignored them, I definitely won't remember it, anyway."

"I can't just let them disrespect you."

"It's okay. I don't care about them and one more thing, I don't want you to get in trouble. So, please don't do that again, okay?"

"I won't promise anything, Tokito."

"(Y/N) (L/N)." he said in a serious tone.

"Ughhh! Okay. Fine!"

You heard him laugh. "By the way, thank you."

"Don't mention it but I'm telling you, the next time I heard them again talking bad about the person I like,
I will not only spill water to them, it will be a boiling water."

Until you realized on what you said. Goodness! You widened your eyes then look to Muichiro, who's looking at you also in surprised.

"What did you say, (Y/N)? Do you like me?" he said in disbelief.

"U-uhm! W-wait! Did I say that? I need to go." then you stood up immediately but he pull you causing you to fall down.

"I'm still not done talking to you. Do you like me? Don't lie to me."

You pulled your hair in frustration. Sighing, there's no need to hide it anymore. Yes, you do like him since you met him, though he's two years younger than you, looking directly to his eyes, you nodded. "Yes. I do like you." looking down. You just want the ground to swallow you.

He cupped your face, meeting his gaze. You saw him smiling with a little blush on his cheeks. "I like you too, (Y/N)." then he kissed your nose. You blushed furiously on what he did, so you pushed him, looking away.

"It's getting late. Let's go. I'll walk you home." he stood up, offering his hand.

You smile and took it then started walking together with him. He speak suddenly, "I like you, (Y/N). I'm very happy." while giving you a warm smile.

You tightened your grip on his hand. "I like you too, Muichiro." and with that, you went home together, holding hands, not wanting to let go.


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