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"Why are you here, Pighead?" You said confusedly with a hint of annoyance. What the hell is he doing here?

"I'm here for a mission, Midget. How about you? What are you doing here?" He said while pointing at you.

You shoved his hand away. "Midget your face and please, you don't care. Annoying pig." You yelled glaring at him.

"Annoying pig? Wanna fight? I'll rip your hair." He yelled back provoking you.

You just ignored him. The Sound Pillar, Uzui Tengen summoned you in his house but when you arrived, a certain pighead welcomed you. You already have an assumption why he's here and that irritates you more. You instantly turn your head when you heard a voice. It's Uzui.

"So, my two favorite demon slayers are here." He said smiling widely.

"What's the meaning of this Uzui-sama? What is he doing here?" You asked full of aggravation.

"I'm the one who should ask that. What is that shorty doing here?" He howled furiously.

"Calm down, you two. I have a mission for the both of you. I want you to work together, set your issues first."

"You can't be serious, Uzui-sama. You know I can't stand with that haughty pig. I'll just go by myself." You said rolling your eyes.

"As if I want to be with a evil witch. I can go by myself."

"Who are you calling evil witch? You really want to die?"

"You. You're the evil witch." He said smirking.

"Y-you- but before you can attack him, Uzui stopped you. "That's enough! Whether you like it or not, you'll do this mission together. I'm warning you be serious, don't mess this up." He said in a warning tone.

"Ugggh! Fine!" You said baffling.

"Good. How about you Inosuke?"

"Okay. Fine. He said sighing. "Well, I guess it's settled already. Okay, you two can go ahead. Take care." You both nodded and take your leave together.

With a grouchy face, you're walking before Inosuke, well you did it on purpose. You can't stand being near with him. No, you're not being bitchy here, you have a reason. It happened two years ago but you still clearly remember it. You and Inosuke were bestfriend and very close to each other. It may hard to believe but that's the truth and that's the reason why you fell in love with him. At first, you're struggling of confessing to him because you were thinking of the outcome of it. First, Inosuke is a very dense guy, he don't know anything about that. Second, he might think of it as a joke. Lastly, you don't want to risk your friendship, but you still don't want to live with your what if's. You gathered all your strength and confidence to confess your feelings towards him, but like what other said some things are better left unsaid. After you said your feelings, he left you standing and started ignoring you. It hurts like hell but you let him maybe he's just confused on your sudden confession, but what annoys you is he did that for almost weeks. You confronted him but he pushed you away and he even said that you need to stay away from him. Since that day, you ignored him too until now, that's also the reason why are you mad at him. You back to your senses, when you someone's touching and calling you, it's none other than Inosuke.

"I've been calling you, Midget. Are you deaf?"

You glared at him and removed his hand. "Don't touch me. FYI, I'm not deaf. What do you want?"

"What's your problem? I've been trying to be nice to you. Can you stop being a bitch?"

"If you can't handle my attitude then leave, no one stopping you. It's your fault why I'm acting like this towards you, anyway."

"How come it is my fault?"

It irritates you more. "Wow, so you have an amnesia now? What would I expect?" then you turned your back on him but he immediately pulled you causing for you to face him.

"I'm still talking to you." He said sternly.

"Why are you acting like you're affected by my actions? You don't care about me anymore, right? I just want to remind you that two years Inosuke, two years you've been ignoring me as if I have a contagious disease. You pushed me away." You spat sarcastically. You saw him shift his expression and he looked away. "You don't need to be guilty. I don't care about that anymore. All I want is for you to stay away from me. Let's just make this mission civil." You said coldly but before you can turn your back, you heard him speak.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry for hurting you."

You stared at him dumbfoundly. You can't believe that after all this years, he said sorry and admitted of what he did. "Save your sorry, I don't need it. I told you, it doesn't matter to me anymore." then you turned your back on him because any minute from now, you can feel your tears will fall and you don't want him to see it.

"Do you still love me?"

You closed your eyes and without looking at him, you answered him honestly. "You don't need to know since I moved on already. Please, stop blabbering nonsense."

"I need to know, (Y/N) and it's not nonsense. Answer me, do you still love me?"

You can't hold it anymore so you faced him again. "You want to know the truth, Inosuke? Yes. I still love you. Happy?" You're already crying, so you wiped it harshly.

He walked closer to you and cupped your face smiling, you flinched on his touch. "I'm good for nothing. I don't know how to read and write. The only thing that matters to me is fighting. All I want is to become stronger to kill all the demons. I don't even know what love is, I never felt that. Until I met you, I got the chance to know you better and discovered so many things about you. I had this different feelings when I'm with you but I just ignored it. The day you confessed to me, I don't know what to do and say. I don't want to mess this up, so I left you and started ignoring you. I guess, I'm really stupid because I didn't notice that I've been hurting you that long." He said sincerely and that confuses you.

You stares at him puzzling. "What are you saying?" You saw him chuckled. "I thought you're smart?" he said teasingly.

"Stop being a cliffhanger, Inosuke." You said glaring at him.

You saw him take a deep breath then look directly at your eyes, saying those words that you've been longing to hear. "I love you, (Y/N). Let me make it up to you." and with that, you hugged him very tight while crying then he hugged you back. You stay like that for a couple of minutes, you still can't believe it. He pulled away on a hug then wiped your tears. "Stop crying, (Y/N). You're gonna be ugly."

"Excuse me, being ugly is not in my vocabulary."

"Whatever. You're still a midget."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are. My midget. I think we need to go ahead. We still have a mission to finish. Let's race, the one who will lose will be winner's slave. Deal?"

"Okay, deal. I won't lose, Pighead."

"Me too, Midget." and with that, he started running. You started to follow him by running too, you don't want to lose but you really don't mind being his slave. A wide smile appears on your lips, such an annoying pig. Yes, your annoying pig.


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