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Staring at the house in front of you, a mischievous smile appeared on your lips. "I bet, they're already waiting for me. Time for my grand entrance." You said as you took a bite on the arm that you're holding, before tossing it off. That's the arm of a demon slayer that you've encountered before arriving here. Lord Muzan called all of his demons for a certain meeting, including you, the Upper Moon Four. As you enter inside, an eerie vibe lingers all over the room but it doesn't creep you out, you're used of it. As expected, all eyes on you. "Can you all stop staring? You might melt me." You said chuckling.

"We're staring at you because you're late. Who do you think you are to arrive late when Lord Muzan called us?" That's Akaza, the Upper Moon Three.

You turned your head to where he is, giving him your wicked smile. "Calm down Akaza-san, will you? Geez! Atleast, I'm already here." You snorted. He growled at you but before he can answer, Muzan speak suddenly.

"That's enough, Akaza and (Y/N). So yeah, (Y/N) mind to explain, why are you late?" He said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

You bowed to him, showing your respect. "Forgive me, my Lord! When I'm on my way here, a stupid demon slayer launched an attack on me."

"Then what happened to that demon slayer? Did you finished it?"

"Ofcourse, Master. Did you forget that I'm the one we're talking here? No one can escape their death in my hand. He deserve it anyway, he's the reason why I'm late."

"I see. As expected from the Upper Moon Four, but the next time you arrive late again, I'll punish you." You instantly nodded and stood beside Akaza, sticking out your tounge on him.

It surprise you when you saw the two Lower Moons in the middle, kneeling. You didn't notice it when you entered room. You want to ask Akaza on what's going on but knowing him, he will just yell at you. So you decided to ask, the other one who's beside you, the Upper Moon Two which is Douma.

You leaned to Douma's ear, whispering. "Douma-kun, what is Enmu and Rui doing there?"

"I don't know? Maybe they did something that made Lord Muzan upset."

You just nodded to him. A hint of uneasiness lingers all over you as you realized what can Lord Muzan do to Rui. You're very close to him even though he's a Lower Moon only. A quiet atmosphere shattered as Muzan started talking.

"I guess, you two already knew why did I call you? You remember what did I do to the other Lower Moon, right? Like them, I can kill you in a blink of an eye." He said while the two is still on their knees. "I gave you chance but what did you do? You did nothing but to disappoint me, specially you Rui. You're my favorite among them." You can say that Muzan is truly disappointed based on the tone of his voice.

"I'm talking to the both of you. Don't just kneel there."

You averted your gaze to Rui when he started to talk. "I don't have anything to say, Muzan-sama. I know that I disappointed you and I'm sorry for that. If you're planning to kill me, I will gladly accept it." He said seriously. You frowned on his answer.

"Is that so? How about you, Lower Moon One?"

A wide smile appeared on his lips then he spread his arms. "I will feel blessed if Muzan-sama will kill me with his own hands. This is my biggest dream." He praised dreamily.

"He's really annoying." You snorted to yourself.

"Really? Okay." A satanic smiled appeared on his lips. "Wish granted." In a blink of an eye, Enmu's head rolled over the floor, causing for all of you to gasped. Wow, that was amazing but it's not the time for you to be immersed. You need to do something.

"You saw that, Rui? Any last request, I might grant it."

You took a deep breath. "Lord Muzan, sorry for interrupting but if you don't mind, I have a request." You said causing for the other demons to looked to where you're standing.

"Are you crazy, (Y/N)? Lord Muzan don't like being interrupted. Have you lost your respect?" As usual, that's Akaza. You just rolled your eyes on him.

"It's okay, Akaza. What is your request, (Y/N)?"

"U-uhm, can you spare Rui? I mean, let me handle him." You said looking directly to his crimson red eyes.

"Why would I do that? What is he to you? Do you have a secret relationship with him?"

You immediately shook your head. "No. It's just, he's the closest demon to me. If you want, I'm the one who will punish him. I swear, he will not disappoint you anymore because if he do, I'm the one who will kill him even if it's in front of you. So please, my Lord?"

You heard him sighed. "Fine, but I'm telling you (Y/N), if he fail me again next time, you're the one who will get the punishment. Understand?"

"I understand, Master. Thank you." then you walked closer to where Rui is. You can say that he's not happy on what you did.

"Leave. Bring him before I changed my mind." With one last bow, you bid your goodbye to him, dragging Rui with you.

You're dragging Rui quietly, then you stopped on walking when you heard him speak using his usual voice. "Why did you do that? Why did you save me? You should let me die. That's I want in the first place."

You let go of his hand. "I did that because I want to."

"You should mind your own business. You knew it from the start that I want to be free."

"How about me? I'm your friend, right? Don't you care for me?"

"I don't care about that." He said looking away.

He's so stubborn. "You're stressing me out, Rui. You should be thankful that I save you."

"Why would I?"

"Do I really have to answer that? Uggh! Atleast be happy that I save you." You sighed heavily then continue speaking. "I'm sorry, okay? I knew that you don't want this anymore but I care for you. I don't want to lose you." You said frowning.

"I see. To be honest, I'm moved on what you did. Okay, as a payment on what you did. From now on, I'll serve you too."

"You don't need to that, Rui."

"but I want to. Don't complain anymore. I do what I want."

"Okay. Fine." You saw him smile a little. "Is this an end of the world? Rui's smiling." You said teasingly.

"I'm not." He said glaring then he turned this back on you, walking away.

"Rui, where are you going? I thought you're gonna serve me." You said stiffling a laugh.

He stopped from walking. "I didn't say that I will start now. I'm going home. You should too."

"Eh?? I'll come with you."

"Just do what you want." then with that he start walking again.

You chased him wearing a victory smile, he can't say no to you. You're happy because from now on, you and Rui, will always be together.


[requested by: animals229]

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