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This oneshot is inspired from the movie Five Feet Apart, but Muzan is still a demon here. Enjooooy.



"(Y/N)-san, where are you going? It's getting late. You should probably sleeping right now." Your private nurse said when she saw you walking on a hallway.

"I'll just go to rooftop to have some fresh air. My room is suffocating me. Please, Chiyo. Promise, I'll be careful. I won't do anything that will worry you."

"Dr. Ru will scold me if I allow you and one more thing, going to the rooftop is very tiring it's in the 25th floor. It's bad for your condition."

"Please, Chiyo. It won't take long and don't worry, I'll use the elevator. So, please." You said with your palm together."

You heard her sighed. "Okay. Fine, but don't stay there for too long. Go back before midnight. How about your vest, are you wearing it?"

You beamed at her happily. "Thank you, Chiyo. You're the best. Yes, I'm wearing my vest. I promise, I will go back before midnight." She just smiled at you. You went to the elevator and press the number 25 button.

When you reached the rooftop, you immediately leans on the railways. You stared serenely at the sky, the moon is so bright and also the stars. You suddenly felt a tightening in your chest so you immediately turned on the vest that you're wearing. It's not an ordinary vest, it includes in your therapy. After five minutes, you turned it off. You took the handkerchief in your pocket and started coughing. As usual, you saw a mucus in your handkerchief that came from your mouth, with a sad smile, you put it back inside your pocket. You felt relieved. You have a CF or Cystic Fibrosis, it is a genetic disorder that mostly affect your lungs, and also your pancreas, liver, kidney and intestines, that's why you have difficulty in breathing and coughing up mucus. You've been suffering from this disease since five years old, and your in this hospital for almost two years. They're still looking for the cure for this disease and it's fatal.

You suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice causing for you to startled. You looked where it came from then you saw a man in his late twenties standing. He has a curly black hair and somewhat small eyes. His pupils are vertical, like cat eyes, and colored plum red. There's something odd about his presence. "What are you doing here by yourself?"

"Who are you? You're not a human." You asked in bafflement.

"Eh? What a clever you are. How did you know?"

"Your smell. The scents of the blood lingers all over your body."

"That's true. I'm not a human. I'm a demon." He said flashing his mischievous smile.

"D-demon? The one who devours human?" You asked unbelievably.

He nodded and walked towards you. You started to panic not because you're scared of him, so you stopped him.

"No. Stop! Don't come here."

"Are you ordering me? That's not so nice of you." He asked while shaking his head.

"No. It's just, you need to stay away from me six feet apart. I have CF, it's contagious."

You heard him chuckle. "I don't know what you're talking about but let me tell you something, I'm a demon. I don't care if you have a contagious disease, it won't affect me. I will come closer or touch you, whenever I want." and in a blink of an eye, he's standing in front of you.

"Y-you can touch me?"

"Yes." then he started caressing your face. You flinched in his touch but later on, you feel relaxed on his touch. Unconsciously, you held his hand and this time he's the one who startled from your touch.

"It's so warm." You said smiling. So, this is how the feeling of being touched. It's been a while since you felt it, but he suddenly shoved your hands away, causing for you to blush. "I'm sorry." You said looking away.

"What's your name?"

You looked directly at his crimson red eyes, it seems like it's hypnotizing. "(Y/N). (F/N) (L/N)."

"So, you have a disease? Can you tell me something about it?"

You stared at him and took a deep breath. You don't know what's gotten into you but you're really going to tell your story to a stranger, take note a demon. "I have a CF, a lung disorder and it's not curable. It's also fatal, so any minute from now, I will die. I don't want to die yet but I don't have a choice, it's my fate." then you smiled sadly.

"Is there any other treatment?"

"It has, a lung transplant. Well, it's not the real treatment. It will only help me to live a little longer but looking for a donor is not easy. One more thing, I'm scared to undergo surgery. What if I died in that surgery?"

"(Y/N), do you know that I can heal you?"

You widened your eyes at him. "That's impossible."

"I can do anything. I can heal you."


"I'll turn you into a demon." He said grinning wickedly.

"D-demon?" You mean like you? So, I need to eat human too?" then he nodded at you. "No way! I don't like to eat human. It's gross." You said as disgusted written all over your face.

"But you're a human too?" He said arching his brow on you.

"I know but still I don't like it. Thanks for the offer, anyway. I've already accepted my fate."

"So, it's that your final decision?" then you hummed at him. "I see. I'll go ahead. Go back to your room."

Before he can totally leave, you stopped him. "Wait! It's unfair. You didn't tell me your name."

"It's Muzan. Muzan Kibutsuji."

"It's so nice to meet you, Mr. Muzan. Can I see you again?"

"Let's see. Get well soon and if you fully recover, I'll go here to see you. So, get well soon."

You nodded happily. "Sure. See you soon."

"Goodnight." and with that he disappeared. You left there standing, with a big smile on your face.

Suddenly, someone approached you. "(Y/N)-san, why are you still here? I told you, go back before midnight."

"Ahhh, Chiyo. Sorry, I forgot."

She sighed. "It's okay. Let's go back to your room. It's getting late."


"You seem happy, (Y/N)-san. Did something happen?"

"Nothing. Don't mind me. Let's go back." She just nodded at you, then assisted you to go back in your room.


[requested by: Sac_Nhat_Nhoa] 💜💜💜

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