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Had I done something wrong?

Headmaster Richards never really called any student personally to his office, and my being called either meant I was in great trouble, or it was something very important.

I hadn't done anything wrong, at least not to my recollection, so I hoped to god it was the latter.

"Come in."

Mr Richards' gruff voice made me uneasy as I entered. But when I saw the smile on his face, I relaxed a little.

"Have a seat, Ms Wentworth. And before you start panicking, no, you haven't done anything wrong. Not that you do at all."

I smiled, unsure of what else to do.

"For years now, we've been watching every student's performance, based on their academic results, their co curricular activities, their interpersonal relationships and their special attributes. And it's safe to say that you, Ms Wentworth, have stood out."

"Bloomwood is a very prestigious school, and I'm happy that our students continue to do their school proud time and again. But among all of them, we have seen that you, my dear, have shown some exceptional qualities. You've been the brightest child in your class for many years now, you paint, take part in debates, you are in the girls' football team. You've also been extremely responsible and a good leader to your peers."

Okay, now all this praise was making me really uncomfortable.

Mr Richards continued. "That's why, next year, which is your last term at Bloomwood, we have selected you to be the Head Girl of the school. We cannot think of anyone better to lead the students."


I stared at him, agape. I couldn't believe it. Never in a million years had I thought I'd be called into his office for this. For being selected as the Head Girl. This was... This... Oh my god. Oh my god.

"Headmaster, I... I don't know what to say. I simply can't believe this! Thank you ever so much, I just...I..."

I struggled for words, something I hardly did. But then again, this was a special situation.

Mr Richards chuckled. "It's quite alright, Ms Wentworth, I can understand what you're trying to say. But I must also say this, it's a huge responsibilty, which you have to carry out with honesty, fairness, and integrity. Never be biased towards your own friends. Remember, we have chosen you for a reason. Make us proud."

"Of course, Sir. It's a huge honour."

"Oh, and before I forget, both of you will be having a talk with Susan Bell and Peter Kane, the previous Heads, to better understand what you have to do and how."

"Sir, you never told me who the Head Boy will be."

Mr Richards furrowed his brows, before his eyes widened.

"Oh, yes of course! How silly of me! The Head Boy will be Archer Woods. You must be knowing him, am I correct?"

Archer Woods.

A chill ran down my back as I recalled that angular face, those intense eyes, and that heart stopping smile, which now seemed like a memory so far away.

I should've known.


a/n: aaand there's your prologue! hope you liked it. i know it's short but there's more coming, trust me ;)

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