34 | the almost

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"I think I'm going to kill someone tonight."

I entered the study practically breathing fire, as Archer turned around to look at me with amused eyes.

"And why, may I ask?"

I fumed. "I have two huge project deadlines coming up, the A-levels are right around the corner, then we have all this work as Heads and now Ms D'Angelo thinks it's fine to dump a truckload of extra work on me? Work which she should be doing?"

Archer frowned. "Why, what did she tell you to do?"

"She told me to do some research and give her some suggestions for a panel discussion she's having with her history class! I don't even have history! Just because I'm head girl she thinks she can ask me to do all her work?!"

Archer held my shoulders. "Okay, okay, calm down. Think. If Ms D'Angelo has set this work, you have to do it. There's no use grumbling or giving death threats. By the way, who were you planning to kill tonight?"

I gave him a flat look. "You, obviously."

He cracked a cheeky smile at that. "Right, how could I forget? You hate me."

"With all my heart."

He held eye contact with me for a briefly serious moment before grinning again.

"Anyway, coming back, you need to do this work, so it's best to get it over and done with fast so you can relax later on."

I scowled. "I hate it when you make sense."

He smiled proudly. "I always make sense."

I rolled my eyes. "Ah, as if."

He mock-glared at me before sitting me down and making me start work on the History research.

God help me.

After around forty minutes, I was finally done with Ms D'Angelo's work. I pumped my fists in the air with joy as I turned towards Archer.

"Yes! I did it, I'm finally done with this stupid work!"

He smiled. "See, look how my advice helped?"

I grinned, rolling my eyes. "That was hardly advice. I was gonna do it anyway."

"Hey! Don't downplay my efforts now! I was the key to your success, always remember that," he said in a grave, dramatic tone. "Never forget your roots."

I burst out laughing and soon he joined in. It felt good to laugh like this with him after an eternity of heartache, complexities and hurt.

It felt really good.

We locked eyes, and gradually our laughter stopped. The air in the room suddenly felt thick with a kind of tension as he looked at me, or rather, gazed at me with a very familiar expression in his eyes. It was too familiar, too scary.

The study suddenly felt claustrophobic, and I couldn't bear to be here anymore. Or I couldn't bear to be anywhere else. I didn't know which one.

Our staring match seemed to go on for an eternity. Maybe it was only a few seconds but it felt like a lifetime of stolen glances.

And missed chances.

But Archer looked like he didn't want to miss this chance anymore. We were already sitting too close, I realised, and our faces had shifted even closer somehow, while joking and laughing.

And now, it looked like Archer was slowly leaning in. Or was I?

I didn't know anymore. All I could see was his face coming nearer, and nearer, and his lips... oh god, his lips, they looked so gorgeous up close, slightly parted. So...so kissable.

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