41 | the surprise

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It was the morning of my birthday and I awoke with a giddy feeling in my heart. Mum had said Kate and Angie would take me out later in the day, and I couldn't wait.

After a few hours, I was all ready and prepped for my day out with the girls. I wore a white shirt, plaid skirt and thigh high boots.

Soon after, the bell rang and two minutes later, the girls came bursting into my room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" they screamed and tackled me into such a tight hug that I couldn't breathe.

Finally they let go and we set off towards the main part of the city, where they said they'd take me to eat and do some shopping.

We ate at a fancy café until our stomachs were full and then they dragged me to a high end designer store.

I laughed. "Girls, I already have enough dresses to last me a lifetime."

Angie gave me a firm look. "No, today's your birthday, and we're going to jointly give you this gift. Choose anything you want from this store, and it's yours."

I gaped. "Are you serious? You two can't be spending so much on me!"

Kate gave me a light shove in the direction of the clothes. "What we do with our money is up to us. And our parents," she added as an afterthought. "Now go."

I tried to protest some more, but they wouldn't listen. I finally accepted defeat and walked towards the expensive clothes, dazed.

After browsing and trying on various outfits for forty five minutes, I finally settled on a navy blue dress, which was sheer at the back and had a very classy look about it. The good thing was it was one of the least costly items in that store, so I felt a little less guilty.

I hugged my two best friends and said 'thank you' until they were ready to kill me. Katie then suggested I wear the dress then and there.

I frowned. "What? No, I'll save this for a special occasion."

Katie and Angie looked at me like I'd gone bonkers. "Viv, you turned 18 today. If this isn't a special occasion to you, we don't know what is."

I sighed and decided it was high time I indulged myself a little. So I went into the trial room and put on the dress, which fit me perfectly, thank god.

After I came out, the girls let out hoots. "You look so gorgeous, Viv! Ugh, why can't I look like you?"

I gave Angie a look. "Shut up, you're one to talk. Look at you!"

After this, we headed home. It was evening already by the time we reached my house. Kate and Angie had agreed to come with me.

I rang the bell and waited for Pip or someone else to open it. To my surprise, no one did. I rang twice, thrice, to no avail.

"Why isn't anyone answering?" I was really confused.

Kate motioned towards the door. "Try and see if the door is unlocked."

I tried, and to my amazement, the door swung open. It was never kept unlocked like this, then why...?

I turned towards Kate to ask her how she'd known, when suddenly, I was greeted by an erupting noise.

"Happy Birthday!!"

All around me, fairy lights started twinkling as my parents, Pippa, many of my friends and classmates from school (including Beth) rose up from where they were hiding and clapped for me.

I stood stunned in my place, too shocked to say anything.

After a few seconds, I stammered, "All of you...this...surprise...Mum?"

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