05 | the project

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"Viv! Wake up! Your alarm has been ringing since god knows how long!"

I turned in my bed groggily and peered up at a very pissed-off Angie. "What?"

Angie sighed, like she was trying her hardest to be patient with me.

"Your alarm has been ringing for a long time now and I thought I'd give you some extra time to sleep instead of waking you when I got up, but now enough is enough. And oh, by the way, you have exactly ten minutes to take a shower and get ready for breakfast."

At that I bolted upright. "Ten minutes?! Bloody hell, you should never let me sleep in again!"

Yeah, I sort of liked spending more than ten minutes in the shower. It was peaceful.

Anyway, after managing to get ready on time, Angie, Kate and I went down to the dining hall. We sat down at our usual place at one of the tables and began to dig in.

As I savoured the delicious heaven that was scrambled eggs, Kate suddenly whispered, "Psst, Viv, Archer's staring at you."

I looked up from my food and indeed, Archer was staring. I raised my eyebrows at him and he, on discovering that he'd been caught, scowled at me. I smirked a little, which made his scowl deepen.

"Hey, what are we missing?"

I broke away from Archer's stare to look at Angie, who was giving me an inquisitive look. "What?"

Angie raised one brow at me. "What was that with Archer? All that smirking and raising your eyebrows...? Should we be worried?"

I groaned. "Ugh, guys no! I caught him staring and he didn't like it, which made me happy. There, that's it."

Kate shrugged. "Sure."

I merely glared at her.


That day, Archer and I both had Spanish in the fifth period. As we sat at our assigned desks, Ms Ramos entered the class and wished us.

"Okay, class, I have a project for you. ¿Demasiado trabajo, no? So we'll do something fun today, and in the following two weeks. I'm ahead of our schedule when it comes to finishing up our syllabus, so we have time for other activities."

The entire class sat up at her words. A fun activity sounded...well, fun.

"I will put you all in groups of four and you'll make a PowerPoint presentation either on Spanish football or on the different forms of Spanish music. You can choose between them. You have to make the presentation in Spanish and include some info as well as your own personal thoughts and preferences."

I perked up. This was going to be fun. I happened to love both football and Spanish music. I was in our girls' football team and loved watching the Premier League as well as La Liga. Plus I also listened to reggaeton music sometimes, so it was a win win situation for me. I could cover any topic. I just hoped I was partnered with the right people who'd be interested in the project.

"Vivian, Dean, Elaine and Archer. You guys are one group."

I stared at Ms Ramos, not believing my ears. "But ma'am--"

"No buts. I know you two don't get along, I think everyone knows that by now and that's exactly why I'm putting you in the same group. You two need to grow up and be civil with each other. You're the Heads of the school and ¡dios mío! This is the behaviour you display?"

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