outro | the endnote

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i feel most of you might skip this chapter, but i hope you don't.

so hey guys, it's me, your author. i had a few things to say now that TRIH has officially, finally come to an end.

so, where to begin?

i started this story quite some time after writing play pretend (my 1st book). play pretend will always be special, but i was never satisfied with the way i wrote it. i always thought i could do better, write better and execute the story better.

then i came up with the plot of TRIH. I'd always loved the haters-to-lovers trope and coupled with the boarding school theme, i wanted to write this story as soon as i thought of it. and this time, i was determined to write it better than my last book, with more developed language, conveying more emotions, and with a better thought out timeline.

fast forward almost a year, and this story has become SO close to my heart over the past few months. i began writing it at the beginning of this year i think, or maybe end of last year, i don't exactly remember. but i paused writing for a long time in the middle, because of studies, writer's block, infinite projects and a whole lot of other things.

but then after my mid terms, i finally got around to writing regularly again, from september 2020, and i stuck to a schedule of writing at least one chapter every night. one thing which you guys don't know is that i always had 1-2 extra chapters drafted in advance. like whenever i posted one chapter, i always had the next two ready. that was my routine.

but as a result of this daily schedule of thinking, plotting, imagining and a whole lot of aching hands and cursing at my phone's keyboard, i got too attached to viv and arch. they've become my favourites and i always think about them from the pov of a reader, imagining them as a couple, imagining cute scenes, intense scenes, heartbreaking scenes, and happy ones. i fell in love with my characters.

so now it's gonna be really hard to let them go, but everything has to come to its natural end, right? and so does this book.

but before i say bye, i wanna make a few points.

• this story is based in and around london. but I'm not from england, I've only been to london as a tourist. I've tried to make the story as accurate as possible in terms of the british education system, their language and local slangs, their habits, streets etc. i had to do a lot of research online and rack my brains to remember everything I'd seen on my visit to london, so that way i hope my representation is somewhat accurate. if there's any mistake, please excuse it.

• i tried to show how viv and arch's relationship slowly developed over the year, and how they went from hatred to something quite opposite. now along the way they've had fights and problems, sure. but that doesn't mean they're toxic in any way. it's just that in the middle of development, things are bound to be messy sometimes. they were both human, just teens, and still learning. so we needed to be patient with them as they grew.

• this story ends here. I'm not gonna make another bonus about their kids, because then it would be dragging things a bit too much, and making my story somewhat like a cliché saga. i don't want that. but of course you can imagine their future together, and their kids, cuz i assure you they're definitely gonna have kids ;)

• i typed the whole story on my phone, and proofread every chapter before posting. but still there might be some typos here and there since typing entire chapters on phones is a tricky business. so after some time I'll revisit this story from chapter 1 and read through everything to make sure all typos are corrected, if there are any. but only when i have some time cuz it's my final year of school with a lot of exams coming up so...yay life.

lastly, before i bore the few people reading this any further, just know, i love and appreciate each one of you for giving my story a chance, for reading, voting and commenting. thank you for staying and thank you for reading. hope you liked this book and i hope it left some kind of a mark on you.

share all your thoughts about this story in the comments, I'd love to know what you think!

UPDATE: july 2021: i am finally back after more than half a year, with a brand new book! this time it's something completely different, a genre i've never tried before- mystery/action thriller, with a touch of romance. excited? then read on to find out what it's about!


The Transatlantic Intelligence Agency (TIA) is a renowned intelligence outfit with its headquarters in Zürich. It recruits youths from the streets of Europe and the US to become its best spies, often supplying them to agencies like Interpol to complete their missions.

Special Agents Kaia Winter, Miranda Liu and Marco Soler are three of the best at  TIA, each specialising in a different field.
When two high-profile civilians placed under witness protection disappear mysteriously, TIA assembles a team of their three best spies to bring them back safely.

Agents Winter, Soler and Liu have been assigned a mission which can potentially get them killed, but first, Winter and Soler must learn not to kill each other.

Follow the agents as they follow the trails--from the dazzling lights of Paris and Florence, to the dark alleys of old London, to the enticing bazaars of Istanbul. One thing's certain-it definitely won't be a smooth ride.

if you're excited about this plot, you'll be even more excited to know that this book is complete. 100% complete and published. you can find it now in my profile <3

signing off, with lots of love,
your author <3

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