38 | the promise

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That day, when we returned to school, Archer and I didn't get a chance to talk all evening.

After reaching Bloomwood, all of us were instructed to go into the common room and do our work until supper. Archer and I didn't have to sit in the study.

So naturally, in front of everyone we couldn't talk about what'd happened.

I hadn't been able to tell Angie and Kate about it either. They knew something was up after the way I behaved at the rink eatery, all red and flustered, but they hadn't been able to get it out of me. I'd promised I'd tell them later.

That night, when we had all gone to bed, I lay wrapped in my quilt, thinking about the day, and the mindblowing kiss, and what it meant for us. Would Archer be ready to talk about it?

My question was soon answered when I heard a soft tapping on the door. Since my bed was nearest to the door, only I could hear the light raps.

I had a feeling about who it could be.

I got up and tiptoed to the door to open it, and sure enough, there he was, clad in his pyjamas, looking a bit nervous.

"Um, sorry to disturb," he began with a whisper, "But I think we need to talk, and we didn't get the time to do it in the evening, and I couldn't really wait till tomorrow, and--"

I put a hand on his arm to stop his rambling. "It's okay, Arch, I know we need to talk, and I was thinking about it right now too. Come on, let's go to that empty classroom you showed me last time."

We made our way through the same winding staircase as last time, and I couldn't help but think about that fateful day, about how sorry and miserable he'd been, how heartbroken I'd been, and how we'd both cried in that dingy old classroom.

We entered the same room again, and Archer pulled out one of the rickety chairs for me to sit on. He sat on one himself.

We faced each other. I took a deep breath and decided to begin.

"Listen, Arch, I know you want a second chance, you've told me that before and that you were willing to fight for me. And I've seen that. I've seen how much you've changed over the past few weeks and I appreciate it. And you know...you must surely know by now that my old feelings are coming back. I've tried to stop them, to resist them, but nothing worked, because here I am, kissing you and talking to you about second chances."

Archer was listening intently. I continued.

"I--I don't know how to do this again, Arch. The fact remains that you've broken my heart once before by not trusting me, and so now I'm scared to let you in again. But at the same time, I do want it. I want whatever this is between us to go on, I want to have you back in my life, not as a friend, but as more. I'm just so so scared, Arch."

He took my hand in his. "Vi, I'm telling you what I've already said before. I'm not the type of lad to make the same mistake twice. And I'm certainly not gonna do that with you, of all people. You know how much you mean to me, you know how much I'm willing to fight for you. Please, just give me another chance. Give us another chance. I promise this time I won't screw up like before. And if you're worried about my trust issues, please don't be, because I was very stupid then, but I do trust you more than anything, Vi, I do."

I looked at him. "Why didn't you listen to me then, Arch? Why didn't you believe me?"

He sighed and looked away. "I don't know. I don't know why I didn't believe you. I think, I think it could be because I always thought you deserved way better than me anyway. I always had this fear that one day you'd find someone better than me and leave me for them. That's why, when May showed me that fake photo, I believed it because it just confirmed my worst fear."

I stared at him, shocked. "Why the hell did you think you didn't deserve me?! You were my whole world, Arch, and you still are! You were my best friend, the person who knew me inside out. You still do. And I couldn't find anyone better than you even if I tried, Arch, I can't believe you actually thought that!"

His eyes widened. I composed myself, blushing profusely at my sudden outburst.

"Vi," he whispered, "If you take me back, I swear I'll be the luckiest guy in the world."

I looked away. Why did I suddenly feel like crying?

"Arch, I'm willing to give you another chance, but only if you promise you won't make my worst fears come true. Yes, obviously we can't guarantee we won't hurt each other ever again, but...but you have to promise me you won't repeat your mistake. And you'll always trust me and give me a chance to explain before jumping to any conclusions."

He nodded vehemently, a fiercely determined look in his eyes. "I promise. I promise, Vi, this time around, I'll do it right."

I nodded and looked down. What did that mean now? Did that mean we would get back together? Just like that?

Archer seemed to sense my inner turmoil. He smiled gently at me. "Vi, relax. We can take things slow if you like. We don't have to jump back immediately and pick up from where we left off. We can take it slow and see where it goes. We both know how we feel about each other, you know what you do to me, and you also know this time I'll get things right. So there's no hurry and we can go at whatever pace you feel comfortable."

I smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Arch. I'd like that. Let's take things slow then. I mean, let's just spend time together for a while instead of labelling each other as anything. Then we can take it from there."

He smiled and nodded. "Alright, that's fine by me."

He held out his hand and grinned. "Deal?"

I laughed and shook it. "Deal."

He pulled me towards him in a tight hug, his face buried in the crook of my neck. I breathed him in as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Thank you," he whispered in my hair, "For giving me a chance."

"Don't thank me," I closed my eyes and whispered back. "Just don't mistrust me a second time."

He nodded. "I won't."

It was a promise, and it sounded like a true one, not meant to be broken.

It gave me hope, that maybe things were finally starting to look up. The clouds in my mind were finally beginning to clear.

That maybe we could be Vi and Arch again, not enemies, not friends but something much, much more.

a/n: things are finally, finally heading in the direction we all wanted! or is there anyone out there who doesn't ship viv and arch? and that brings me to the all-important question: what would be a good ship name for them? i haven't thought of one, so drop in your suggestions! I'll see who's got the best one!

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