40 | the worry

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The term break seemed to be the laziest time of my life.

There were no continuous classes, no pending work as Heads, no duties or deadlines to meet. It was a time of relaxation and waiting for the results to come through.

I wasn't yet ready to say goodbye to Bloomwood. There were still two more days of school left, one when we'd go to collect our results and certificates, and the second day, when we'd officially graduate from sixth form, with a congregation and speeches by Archer and I.

I just couldn't believe we only had two more days left, that after these couple of days, our entire 15-year journey at Bloomwood would come to an end. Unlike most schools, Bloomwood was comprehensive, meaning we'd spent all our school years here, instead of studying elementary at one place and till fifth form at another, and then sixth form at yet another.

So naturally it was all the more hard to say goodbye to my second home, to the place which I knew like the back of my hand, to the many classmates and friends I'd had over the years, and to the teachers we'd grown so familiar with.

It would undoubtedly be hardest to part ways with Angie and Kate. They had both applied to different places, with different subjects, and I knew we wouldn't end up going to the same university. It left a pang in my heart. Of course we'd try to meet up as often as possible and keep in touch, but not seeing their faces everyday would definitely be tough to get used to.

I thought about what it'd feel like without him. Without Archer. Chances were we wouldn't be attending the same one. What would life be without him constantly annoying me at the study and giving me those looks which would leave my heart a mess?

If we did get into a serious relationship before uni started, would we succeed at the whole long distance thing? I hadn't thought about all this before; I'd had enough complications then to be occupied with. But now that these thoughts entered my mind, I couldn't help but feel terrified. How long would we last as a couple? Would it stand the test of time and distance?

Instead of keeping these fears to myself, I decided to share them with Kate and Angie, who'd slept over at my house one day.

We were all lying on my spacious bed, after watching some drama on Netflix, when I told them about my fears.

"Viv," Angie said, "Don't worry so much. I know it's natural to think of all that, but if he truly cares for you, and if you feel the same, then distance shouldn't matter. You guys have the strongest dynamic I've ever seen and if you get serious with him, I don't think long distance can come in the way."

Kate nodded. "Yeah, even Dean and I decided to keep dating long distance. Turns out, he likes me just as much as I do, and he's willing to try out long distance, even though he's probably going to Trinity and I to Imperial. So if we can try it, so can you. Archer and you shouldn't give up or do anything stupid just because of this fear, okay?"

I nodded, looking at my hands.

"Viv, just focus on the present and how it's going, slow and steady. Things won't get worse a second time around, because both of you are more mature and he's learnt from his mistake."

Well, I certainly hoped so.


One day, Archer and I were walking together in St James's Park. He'd asked if I wanted to come, and I'd obviously said yes. So here we were, strolling snd holding hands, and it felt like the best feeling in the world.

Only, the lingering fear about long distance still kept on beating against my chest. I must've looked worried, because Archer raised his eyebrows.

"Vi, is anything wrong?"

I shook my head. He persisted.

"You know you can tell me anything right? Have I done something wrong? Are you hurt?"

I shook my head and almost laughed seeing the concern in his eyes. "No, Arch it's nothing like that. I was just--I was just thinking about the future. Our future. About what happens when we go our separate ways to Uni."

He frowned in confusion. "What will happen? You and I might go to different Unis. So what? We'll keep in touch through text and Facetime and meet up as often as we can. I'm willing to try anything to keep this going, Vi, and I'm not gonna let anything come between us anymore."

Seeing the determination in his eyes made my heart melt. I could see it clear as day now, how much he'd grown over the past year and a half, how much he'd learnt from his mistake, how hard he was willing to try.

And this time, I couldn't be the one to let him down.

I smiled. "That's a relief, 'cause I was sort of hoping you'd say that."

He laughed and slung an arm around me. "How little do you know me? Of course I'd say that."

I chuckled as we walked down the path, grassy greens stretching ahead of us on both sides, with the Buckingham Palace visible in the distance.

I felt a lot more at ease after his words; they'd calmed me somehow and made me realise that if he was willing to make this work, then maybe we did have a fair chance of succeeding at long distance. Maybe I didn't have to worry so much about it.


I turned 18 a few days later. At midnight on my birthday, my parents gave me a delicious chocolate cake to cut and a few incredible gifts. I was elated. Kate and Angie Facetimed me soon after to scream the Happy Birthday song in my ears.

Fifteen minutes after midnight, Archer Facetimed me too.

He grinned. "Happy Birthday!"

I beamed at him. "Thank you. I almost thought you wouldn't call."

He laughed. "I waited a few minutes before calling 'cause I knew you'd be celebrating with your parents and I didn't wanna interrupt that."

"So thoughtful."

He glared playfully at me. "Shut up and appreciate the sentiment."

"I am!"

"I can see that."

We both started laughing at how ridiculous this conversation was getting, and after a while, Archer stopped and smiled at me.

"Wish I could see you in person right now and give you the best gift ever."

I smiled. "I wish too. By the way, I'm not forgoing the gift. You have to give me something, okay?"

He had a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, you don't even know anything."

I frowned. "What?"

He smiled innocently. "Nothing."

But I could sense it wasn't nothing, that he knew something I didn't. I decided not to prod him further because I knew it wouldn't be of any use. He would never reveal what he was hiding.

I guess I'd just have to wait and see.

a/n: to be continued... ;) guess we'll also have to wait and see what arch is hiding.

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