03 | the beginning

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First day of new term

"Viv!! Viv!"

I turned my head to find Kate rushing towards me, and before I could process what was going on, her arms had flung themselves around me, engulfing me in a giant hug.

I smiled against her navy blazer. "I missed you, Kate."

"I missed you too! How did you spend the term break?"

I rolled my eyes. "I literally told you everything over the dozens of phone calls and video chats you, Angie and I shared over the break. Doesn't look like I have anything else left to tell you, Katie."

She laughed, just as Angie came over and hugged us both.

"Viv! Ready to be Head Girl?"

I groaned. "Nope, not at all. I don't know what to do! Firstly, there are the A-levels, then so many responsibilities, I don't think I can handle any of them, let alone all, plus I have to deal with Archer, the added bonus! This just isn't fair!"

The girls patted my back. "Ever heard of pre-performance jitters? That's what you're having right now." Angie offered.

Kate echoed her. "Yeah, and don't be so whiny. God, you make me regret being your best friend sometimes!"

I rolled my eyes. "You wish."

Together, we entered the stone building (or more like castle) of Bloomwood Prep, our navy blue skirts swishing against our legs. I quite liked our uniform. It consisted of a white shirt, navy blue skirt and blazer, along with a dark blue and off white striped tie. We had to wear black sheer stockings and any black shoes of our choice. We also had dark blue hats if we wanted to wear them. The boys' uniform was the same, minus the skirts of course.

As i strolled into the assembly hall, I could feel the eyes on me. I was going to be appointed the new Head Girl after all. I suddenly felt jitters running down my arms and back, me who'd never felt underconfident before.

Then i saw something which made my blood boil.

Archer was running down the aisles, helping the students get into lines and sit in order. The headmaster was looking at him and smiling (proudly, I presume) and as Archer caught my eye for a split second, he smirked and sent me a wink.

He was trying to make me look inept. I was going to make him pay for this.

I rushed over to where he was standing. "Archer, Archer, no! What are you doing? You're asking the students to sit all in the wrong order! The junior classes should sit on the right, we'd agreed upon this. I knew you'd forget the new order even when I'd drilled it into you, here, let me help."

Archer stared at me, then started to protest, slowly realising what I was doing. But by that time I'd already started telling the kids to get up and sit on the right side. They followed my instructions without protesting and within five minutes, everyone was seated again, albeit in different places.

Archer strode up and stood beside me.

"You deliberately made up this shite story about new seating orders to sabotage my work, didn't you?"

I smiled at him. "Archer, what are you saying? We'd so amicably agreed on the new arrangement which you carelessly forgot. Now Mr Richards will be disappointed in you."

He glared at me. "Damn you, Vivian. You're a bloody devil."

I glared back. "As if you aren't. You were constantly looking over at me while seating the students, to make sure I saw how proud Mr Richards was of you and how I was apparently doing nothing. I've been planning so much for this school, and on the very first day you're out to make me look bad!"

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