20 | the outburst

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"So, Viv, I have a question."

Katie jumped on my bed after supper, her eyes gleaming.

I looked at her. "Yeah?"

"Are you and Archer friends now?"

I closed my eyes. "Not you too. Why are we constantly talking about him?"

"No we aren't. Now tell me!"

I sighed. "Yes, I guess we are. I mean, after working together for months we've developed this sort of bond, you can say.  And now we're on better terms than before. So if that can be termed as friendship, then yes we're friends. Of course, nothing can ever make me forget what happened in the past, and I still can't get over how little he trusted me. But I think we're at a better place now than before."

Katie smiled. "I'm glad. I know we tease you a lot about him, but just know we always want the best for you. And Archer did mess up big time by letting you go. But we'll always think you two were perfect for each other, and now if you're back to being friends, at least it's better than nothing."

She reached out and hugged me, and I hugged back tight, smiling.

"Hey, how dare you guys hug without me! That's a punishable offence!"

Angie leapt into our hug as Katie and I bellowed with laughter.


Later the next day, Archer and I were sitting at our study as usual, working in peace. We fought a lot less than before. Ever since I'd given him that present, it seemed we got closer, and somehow I didn't hate him with such a passion anymore.

At least, I thought so.

Suddenly, Archer's phone rang, disturbing the silence.

He jerked up from his work, squinting to see the caller ID. It was an unknown number, even I could see from here.

He picked up. "Hello?"

After a few beats, his face morphed into one of surprise, though I can't say it was pleasant.

He frowned. "May?"

Now it was my turn to frown. Who was May? There wasn't anyone in our form by that name, though we had had May Robertson, who had transferred to Scotland at the end of last year. But now there wasn't anyone else by that name.

And as far as I knew, Archer didn't have any cousins called May either. Though I could be wrong; it's not like I was supposed to know all his relatives.

I shook my head, focusing on my work. Why was I so curious anyway?

I could hear a faint female voice on the other end. After a few moments, I saw Archer glance at me uncomfortably.

Then he spoke into the phone, "Why are you calling me?" He sounded really uncomfortable.

Screw this, I was extremely curious now. Who was May, and why was her call making Archer so fidgety?

I heard him say, "No, May, I don't want to speak right now. I'm busy."

He hung up, and then went on with his work as if nothing had happened.

I turned to him. "Who's May?"

"None of your concern." His tone was snappy and rude.

"Woah, no need to be so rude there. I just wanted to know."

He turned to me now, his expression frustrated and annoyed.

"Why the bloody hell are you so curious anyway? Don't you ever stop to think that everything in this world may not concern you?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Hey, what's your problem, arsehole? I just asked a simple question! You could've just asked me nicely to mind my own business!"

He shook his head. "You. You are my bloody problem."

I could sense my temper flaring. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means all this is because of you!"

"All what?!"

"Everything! First you made me fall for you so hard, then you just decided to stomp over my heart and cheated on me, then you lied to me and denied everything, and now you're just creeping back into my life like nothing happened!"

I froze. Hot tears prickled at my eyes, threatening to show themselves.

I couldn't believe this was happening. Out of nowhere. Just when I'd begun to think things were better.

I took a deep breath, trying to be calm despite the raging storm in my heart. "Why are you saying all this now, Archer? You were fine with being friendly towards me all this while. So why this sudden outburst?"

He continued glaring at me. "Because you don't understand! You don't understand even a bit of what you made me go through. And now it's all coming back...because of...because of..."

He was visibly struggling to get out his words. It was like he was fighting a battle against himself.

Finally he blurted it out.

"Because of May."

a/n: what can i say, i hate cliffhangers as a reader but love them as a writer. you can go ahead and curse me. byeee :)

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