10 | the ball pt 2

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(a/n: viv's dress for the ball in media above)

It was Saturday. The day of the ball.

All over the school, all the sixth formers were brimming with excitement. You could just see it radiating from their faces. The hallways were filled with murmurs of what to wear, when to go to the grand hall, and other such constant questions.

Kate had asked all her guy friends if they wanted to go with me to the ball, but by the time she asked, all of them already had dates. So ultimately, feeling angry at myself for being so desperate, I put my foot down and told her I'd go solo. It wasn't a big deal and I'd always have my best friends. Fifth wheeling would be a downside but it couldn't be helped. And if Archer decided to tease me for not having a date, well, he could go to hell.

During assembly, Headmaster Richards provided us with all the details about the ball. It would start sharp at 6 in the grand hall and go on till 9, after which everyone would go back to their dorms.

After classes ended at half past 2, everyone instantly went back to their dorms to start freshening up and get ready for the ball. I figured if I did some of my work till 4 I'd still have plenty of time to get ready. So I went to the study to finish it.

Unsurprisingly, Archer was absent.

By 4:15 pm, I was thankfully done with my work for the day, and so I headed to my dorm to join Kate and Angie and get ready fast. But on my way, I got stopped by Ms D'Angelo, the History teacher.

"Vivian! There you are, I've been meaning to catch up with you all day."

"Yes, Ms D'Angelo?"

"Yes, dear, did you finish making the list I asked you to?"

My face paled, but I quickly composed myself and smiled confidently at her. Fake it till you make it.

"Just a bit is left, ma'am, I'll get it ready by evening. I'll hand it over to you at the ball itself?"

Ms D'Angelo beamed. "Of course, Vivian. Thank you."

As she turned around and walked back to the staff room, I felt like sinking deep beneath the ground and burying myself there.

She'd asked me specifically to prepare a list of students for a History debate she'd conduct next week, and she wanted me to categorise each person in her class into different teams and assign a historical figure to each of them, with some context added.

And I'd completely forgotten about it.

I looked at the time. This would take at least another hour.

I was ready to cry.

I texted Angie and Kate on our group chat, telling them to get ready without me and that I'd be joining them later. They called immediately to make sure if I was okay with it and when I said it was the only option, they reluctantly agreed.

I trudged back to the study and collapsed on my chair, bringing out a fresh set of papers and a name list of all History students.

This wasn't supposed to happen. I was actually supposed to take a bit of a break tonight. Now I'm just going to be very, very late and by the time I get ready and dressed and go down to the hall, half the fun will be over and I'll just miss out on it and Kate and Angie's efforts to get me a dress and a date will be in vain and--


I spun around. Archer stood at the doorway, his brows scrunched as he looked at me.

"What are you doing here?"

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