39 | the exams

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Archer and I were taking things slow, as we'd planned.

Kate and Angie were elated to hear of this development, but at the same time, they were also happy I was going slow instead of jumping back to where we used to be. When I'd told them about the kiss, they stared at me for a solid three seconds before erupting with exclamations and questions.

I hadn't said anything to my parents; I decided it wasn't the right time yet.

Archer and I would spend time at the study like always, working, talking, and just being comfortable with each other. It was a good phase, where we were neither a proper couple, nor a confused mess with no idea how we felt.

Sometimes he would kiss my cheek before leaving the study at half past seven, making my face heat up in the process. Sometimes I'd return the favour too. After all, why should he always be the one to affect me this way?

But in general, things were going at a smooth pace, and just at the right timing, because now we all needed to focus on the most important thing: our A-levels.

The days of the exam were hell, with late night studying, back-breaking work and frantic last-minute revision. The exams weren't easy either, nor had we expected them to be. But they were our ticket to good universities, and my one chance to get into Oxford or Cambridge. Or Imperial College, which was my third option.

Archer was just as focused, and so we had even less time to concentrate on our relationship, or whatever you could call it.

One day, however, in the middle of the exams, I got back one of the things I'd missed most about our relationship.

It was lunchtime, right after my English exam, and after getting my food from the buffet table, I decided to head outside to the garden instead of eating at a table. Bloomwood gave us this one privilege of sitting in the garden with our food during lunch, and I intended to use it amply.

As I walked outside, I came across a sight which was all too familiar.

Archer was leaning against the big oak tree in the garden, sitting on the grass with the lunch beside him, and earphones plugged into his ears.

A smile involuntarily crept up on my lips. Back when we'd been dating earlier, he and I used to sit against that very same tree together, fighting over song choices and me leaning my head on his shoulder.

I strode over to him.

"Mind if I sit here?"

He looked up, removing a earbud to listen to what I was saying. A brilliant smile was his response.

I went and sat beside him in my old place, and after a moment of deliberating, I placed my head on his shoulder. He froze at first, then relaxed, as he put an arm around me.

At that moment, I could sense people staring with eyes as wide as saucers, and the whispers slowly beginning. But I didn't care one bit.

All I cared about was how familiar and comfortable this felt.

I closed my eyes, with an earbud in my right ear, listening to some obscure music I hadn't heard before. But I wasn't really listening. I was just sitting there, eyes closed, basking in the warmth of his body, utterly content.

Ever since that day, we resumed this tradition of sitting together under the oak tree every lunch, and it was safe to say I was enjoying it. A lot.


After a grueling time, our exams finally got over. After so much of sleep deprivation, exhaustion and anxiety, we'd ultimately managed to get through all the A-levels and hopefully they'd turn out well enough to get me into my dream universities.

But before the results, we got a term break.

We went home after a long time, and my parents were more than happy to see me. It was then that I told them about the situation with Archer and I.

Mum smiled at me. "Viv, I'm proud of you for being mature enough to decide what's right for you and what timing suits you the best. I've always wanted you and Archer to have your own happy ending, but I'm very proud of the way you're handling this entire thing."

I hugged both Mum and Dad tight in response.

Later that night, as I was lying in bed reading a book after supper, my phone rang.

I looked at the flashing screen. It was Archer.

I picked up. "Hey, Arch."

"Hey. Are you busy now?"

"Not at all. What's up?"

"Nothing really, I just wanted to talk to you. What're you doing now?"

I smiled. "I was reading one of my favourite books until a certain someone decided to rudely interrupt."

"Hey! You literally just said you weren't busy! And what book were you reading?"


"You've read it a million times before. Now close it and talk to me."

I laughed at his whining. "Wow, didn't know you were such a needy boy."

I could imagine him smirking as he replied, "Only for you, Vi."

I blushed without wanting to. I hated how he could affect me so easily. "Ugh, I hate you."

He laughed. "No you don't."

"Who said that? I hate you like crazy."

"Really now?"


His tone was soft. "Fine, I hate you too."

I smiled. "Glad we're on the same page."

We talked like this for a good one hour, talking about anything and everything under the sun, from the latest movie release to our big university dreams, to football and much, much more.

After an hour, I was too sleepy to talk anymore. I yawned into the phone and he burst out laughing.

I frowned. "What?"

"Nothing, your yawn sounded so graceful over call."

I glared, although he couldn't see me. "Piss off, twat."

"Alright, Your Highness, I'll piss off."

I smiled lazily. "Goodnight Arch. Oh, and I still hate you by the way."

He whispered back. "Goodnight Vi, sending you a kiss and enough I hate you's to last you till tomorrow."

With that, he hund up, leaving me to wonder what his kiss would actually have felt like if it hadn't been over the phone.

a/n: filler but important to show the development of their relationship! they're taking this slow after all :)

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