22 | the burnout

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a/n: please listen to the song above, 'the last time' by taylor swift ft gary lightbody, before reading this chapter. it'll set the mood :)

Finally, finally I'd got my proof. After months of being unheard, misunderstood and wronged, I was going to show that boy what he'd failed to see.

The next day I went through all my classes without saying a word to Archer. We still weren't on speaking terms and he still didn't know I'd got the proof.

But then lessons ended at half past two and soon it was time to go to the study. Archer was already there by the time I arrived.

I went through five excruciating hours, painful silence engulfing us as we worked on our own papers. I didn't say a word.

Then as the bell rang at half past seven, I got up, opened my phone and sent the recording to Archer. His phone pinged.

I said, "I've sent a recording to you. Beth met May and got this from her. That's all the proof you'll ever need."

With that, I walked out of the study before he could say anything in response.

I couldn't control my emotions anymore. All these months, he'd misunderstood me and not even given me a chance to explain myself and prove him wrong. After such a long time, after all this heartbreak and hatred, he'd agreed to give me a chance as a mere challenge, just because of a sudden, stupid fight.

I deserved far better than this. I'd thought he was the one for me- the boy I'd marry, the one I'd have kids with, the one I'd grow old with.

Ever believed in soulmates? I did too, once upon a time, when I had him. Now I wasn't so sure anymore.

I walked down the corridor back to the common room, tears streaming down my face. I wiped them away before I entered, lest Angie or Kate see me crying. I didn't want them to get more anxious than they already were.

"Viv!" Katie cried as soon as she saw me. Angie stood up too. "Did you show him the recording?"

"I sent it to his phone, told him that was the proof, and then left."

"Didn't you see what his reaction was?!"

I shook my head no. "I couldn't bear to. Not after...not after all this time."

This time, however hard I tried, I couldn't stop that one treacherous tear from escaping my eye. The two girls came and hugged me, and soon Beth entered the room and joined in.

"We're always here with you, Viv. You have us, one hundred percent."

I nodded and smiled through the blur of tears. "I know. I love you all."


During supper, I didn't see Archer at the table. It wasn't like him to skip meals and yet he was missing tonight.

Later that night, I was lying in my dorm when suddenly there was a frantic knocking on our door.

Angie frowned. "Who could be knocking at this hour?"

Since I was closest to the door, I went and opened it.

Big mistake.

Archer stood on the other side, his hair dishevelled, and eyes red. He was a mess.

But unfortunately, I didn't care.

I was about to shut the door in his face when he put his hand out to stop me.

"Vivian, please," he pleaded, his voice sounding hoarse, "I just want to talk. Nothing else. Please, just hear me out."

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