19 | the birthday

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Archer and I seemed to be at a more or less stable place right now. Sometimes we were awkward but most of the times we maintained a civil relation with each other.

Our bet was still ongoing though; sometimes we would rile the other up on purpose just to get a step closer to winning the bet. But now we didn't have that fierce hatred-induced competitiveness anymore.

On 10th February, I woke up just as I would on any other day, but as soon as I saw the date on my phone, I stopped short.

It was Archer's 18th birthday today.

Now if we had still been a couple I would've done something big and meaningful for him. On the other hand, if I'd still hated him with a passion I would've done nothing.

But now we were stuck in a strange in-between where we were neither the best of friends, nor the worst of enemies. We were partners in a job and we were more civil than before. We didn't feel like killing each other all the time, and neither were we suddenly as close as before. I felt as though we had developed a weird, confusing kind of bond.

So not knowing what else to do, I'd got a present for him a few days back. It wasn't anything big, but I'd got it nonetheless, since I wanted to. Angie and Kate always teased me unnecessarily, but even I wasn't daft enough to deny the fact that deep down, I still cared for him.

Yes, I did. I don't know why I did, but something had changed in both of us over the course of the past few months. The hurt I'd felt was still there, but somehow I'd never been able to completely stop caring for him.

So I'd gone down to the city during the weekend and got a birthday gift for him secretly. Even Angie and Kate didn't know.

And today was the day. I decided I'd give it to Archer in the study when we were both alone, away from any others watching us and gossipping like they'd done during the ball.

In the morning, I shared Spanish with Archer, and as I saw him take the seat behind me, I turned around.

"Feliz Cumpleaños," I smiled.

He grinned. "Muchas gracias."

"So, doing anything special tonight?"

He shrugged. "Nah, I'll be in the study tonight. After supper though, the boys and I are planning to have a small feast in our dorm. After inspection, so don't spread the word."

I smiled. "Don't worry, my lips are sealed."

Secretly, I'd been scared he would skip working in the study tonight, so I was relieved when he said he wouldn't. Then I'd be able to give him my gift.

After school hours, I rushed to my dorm to get the present and reach the study before Archer did. I quickly put the box on his desk and waited for him to arrive.

Why was my heart suddenly beating so fast?

A few moments later, he arrived, wearing a colourful party hat. I raised my brows at him, not being able to hold in my laugh.

He groaned, "Ugh, don't laugh, please. Jack and the rest made me wear this hat just before I came here. They came with me all the way upto the door just to make sure I wouldn't take it off!"

I peered closely. The hat read, The Great Big Sod Is 18!

I burst out laughing. On seeing me, his mouth twitched and he started laughing as well. It felt so good to be able to laugh like this with him, after such a long time.

Suddenly, he stopped mid-laugh. "What's this?"

He picked up the box. I shifted in my seat.

"Oh, someone dropped this off for you."

He frowned. "Dropped this off? Who?"

I shrugged. "Some girl."

His frown deepened as he started unwrapping the box. I watched his face with bated breath. I really didn't know what his reaction would be. Oh god, had I overdone it?!

As he opened the box, his jaw dropped. Inside was a camera bag with a small note attached on top.

Dear Archer,
Happy 18th :)

I'd kept the note short and simple. Archer looked at me, his mouth still agape.

"You-?" He couldn't seem to say anything else.

I nodded towards the camera bag. "Open it."

He opened the zip, still in a trance.

Inside was a small collection of photography accessories I'd bought: camera filters, extra straps, a lens and a memory card.

I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the way he was staring at his gift.

"I-uh, I know how much you love photography, and you already have dozens of cameras, so I figured I could get you something that'll help keep those cameras ready. It's-its nothing big, but--"

"This is perfect," Archer whispered. "This is the most thoughtful gift I've got this year. But...but why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you get me all these things? I mean, I didn't get you anything for your birthday."

I half-smiled. "We weren't exactly on talking terms back then, were we?"

He looked away. "Yeah. But still, you didn't need to."

"I know, but I wanted to. This is your 18th birthday after all, and I did want to get you something, however much I hate you."

He chuckled. "Yeah, sure, you hate me."

"Oh, I do alright."

He gave me a warm smile, dimple and all. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he reached forward and hugged me.

The hug was tight, and heart-stopping. It took me completely by surprise and so it was a few seconds later that I hugged him back. This was the closest I'd been to him ever since last year, and I could smell his signature woodsy cologne that I loved so much. I inhaled it as much as I could, because you never know how fleeting some moments can be.

He whispered in my hair, "Thanks, Vi."

My heart lurched.

"You called me Vi," I whispered back.

He still didn't break away from the hug. "Did I? Then screw it, I just want to live in this moment and enjoy it while it lasts."

I closed my eyes. He was right, it was as if we were caught in a time warp of the past, where we were still very much a couple, and very much in love. I didn't want this moment to go away, it reminded me of every good thing in my life last year. Including him.

After what felt like an eternity, but was actually only a minute, we broke away. He gave me one last smile and then we both went on with our work as usual.

Soon it was half past seven and time to go back. As the clock sounded and we both stood up to go, I bade him goodbye and was just about to reach for the door when--


I turned around to see Archer standing with the camera bag in his hand. He strode up to me.

"Thank you, Vivian, I really mean it."

Then he reached over and kissed my cheek.

My eyes widened and before I could react, he was out of the door.

Why, oh god why did he have to do that? He couldn't do things like that!

And in that moment, I hated him like never before, for making me feel like a blithering idiot and leaving me in such a mess.

a/n: I'm really running out of things to say in my author's notes, so I'll just say something random.
did you know that an atom doesn't look like what we've seen in pictures all this while? the electrons don't revolve in orbits around the nucleus. it's impossible to find their position and speed at the same time, something that's known as heisenberg's uncertainty principle. instead, the region in which we're most likely to find an electron is called an orbital.
ok I'll show myself out now.

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