09 | the ball pt 1

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a/n: keith powers as dean summers (above)

October came and went, and soon November approached, and with it, came the excitement of the Annual Ball.

It seemed as if everyone was hyped up about it, that is, everyone except me. I was so swamped with work and meeting a thousand different deadlines, that I just couldn't find time to think about it or decide what to wear. Plus I wasn't even sure if I'd be able to attend the whole evening.

But Kate and Angie were hellbent on making sure I went, and they wouldn't take no for an answer.

"What's your problem with it anyway? Just work can't be an excuse, you've always been able to multitask before. Then what's stopping you?" Angie asked me one day in the common room.

I hesitated. The truth was, yes I could manage the work and attend the ball just fine, but there was also another reason I didn't want to go. I didn't have a date to the ball. Now I know I could go alone and that would be perfectly fine, and Kate and Angie would happily accompany me. But they already had dates (I managed to get Dean to ask Kate!) and I didn't want to third wheel (or fifth wheel, if you may).

It wasn't as if no lad in the school wanted to go with me. I was well aware that I was quite popular and a few boys had a crush on me. But I'd never shown any interest in any guy except Archer, and I guess the boys were a bit afraid to ask me. I don't know, really, but I think they still felt like asking me would be wrong, as if I was still Archer's girlfriend. The incredulity of it all almost made me laugh, but truth be told, I didn't really see myself going with any of the boys in school. The only boy I'd ever imagined I'd go with was now my worst enemy.

Also, every year the Head Girl and Head Boy were kind of expected to go together, if they didn't already have any other dates. But no way in hell was I gonna go with Archer. That was an absolute no-no. Moreover, Archer probably already had a girl to take to the ball and if I went alone, he'd act very smug about it later. I wouldn't be able to stand it, stand seeing him with another girl while I didn't have any date with me.

And no, I wasn't jealous, just a bit too competitive for my own good.

But I didn't want to tell my friends this reason since it seemed really silly. But I guess I'd have to go to the ball with the way they were insisting.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll go, but first you two have to find me a good dress, and a date." I added the date part with as nonchalance as I could; I didn't want them to know that was one of the reasons I didn't want to go.

Internally, I cringed. What happened to girl power and independence, Viv?

Kate grinned. "Done! Today is Friday, which means we get the evening to go outside to the city. We'll take you shopping and find you the perfect dress! And as for the date, I have a few guys in mind, don't worry," she said with a wink.

I laughed. "Okay, Katie, so today we'll go shopping then."

Usually in the evenings, Archer and I would have to be in our study, but on Fridays and Saturdays, we had a bit of relaxation. We didn't have to remain in our study the whole time, we could go out and about if we wanted to, provided we finished our work first.

So that evening I told Archer I'd be going out. I didn't wait for a reply, and only saw his raised eyebrows and mouth opening to pass a snarky comment, before I slammed the door of the study behind me. Good, let him do some work for a change.

Angie, Kate and I set out towards Oxford Street, the shopping hub of London. Each of us had loaded families, but we'd been taught not to be spendthrifts. So as we navigated the high end stores on Oxford Street, I warned my friends not to shop too much.

"Nonsense," Angie replied. "There's nothing called shopping too much. I know how to spend wisely but today we're gonna splurge, because these occasions don't come every day, especially when you're in a boarding school."

I decided I'd let go for once and listen to her.

By the end of the evening, we'd bought three gorgeous dresses and three pairs of shoes. Kate had a fuschia high neck dress, with lace detailing and a modest cut in the back. Angie bought a red halter neck dress that hugged her curves perfectly. They both looked amazing.

I, on the other hand, bought a midnight blue silk slip dress. It wasn't too risqué to be atrocious at a school dance, and it suited me the best out of all the dresses I tried. The thin straps made a cross at the back and the rest of the dress hugged my waist and flowed out from there. It looked really elegant, and gave me an incentive to attend the ball.

"Viv, I can't even imagine how hot you'll look in that dress! Archer will regret ever leaving you, I swear!"

I jokingly glared at Katie. "Shut up, will you? I don't care what Archer thinks."


"Oh but you do," Angie smirked at me. I raised a quizzical brow at her.

"Katie, remember how that day at the dining hall she was constantly staring at Archer? We had to call her thrice to get her attention."

"Oh, yes! I remember. Viv couldn't take her eyes off him, I wonder why."

"Both of you shut up! What are you two talking about?! Have you gone bonkers? I wasn't staring at him!"

"Sure, sure, we believe you."

"I swear! And even if I was, it must have been because we were having a glaring contest or something. I don't remember. But I'd never stare at him for no reason, what the bloody hell!"

And as we walked through the looming black gates of Bloomwood towards the stone building, I could hear their laughs taunting me and saying things I never wished to hear or admit. Ever.

a/n: and here's part 1 of the ball chapters! there's a lot more to come, so buckle up and grab your popcorn hehe. until then, stay safe, and make this poor girl happy by voting and commenting! xx

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