17 | the conversation

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Archer and I managed to remain on fairly good terms after that, if I do say so myself.

We worked well as Heads, did all our work on time and with finesse, and didn't get into a single fight for over a week, which was a huge development, considering how we'd been earlier.

I was even content to forget about our bet for a while, if it meant we could work in peace. It seemed like he thought the same thing, because he didn't try to rile me up even once.

I was sitting in my Math class with Angie beside me. We'd both finished the sums Ms Roberts had set for us, and so we had the rest of the lesson off, as long as we didn't disturb anyone else.

"So," Angie began, grinning from ear to ear, "I see you and Archer are getting along well."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes we are, and so what? After he did those things for me during my period, I guess we learnt to tolerate each other more than before."

She laughed. "Don't try to downplay it, Viv. What he did was incredibly sweet and you've got to appreciate it."

"I do!"

"Yeah, and both Kate and I've noticed how you always seem more relaxed ever since you've been on good terms with him. It's like you're...happier now."

"Pfft, what nonsense! My happiness doesn't depend on him, Angie."

She smirked. "Alright. I won't say anything else, because obviously you'll deny it, but we all know the truth, and it's better if you accept it sooner, ya know."

I scrunched my nose. "What truth?"

"That you still like Archer."

My jaw dropped. "What?! I do not! What made you guys even think that?"

She grinned. "See? I knew you'd deny it. There's no point in saying this to you, Viv, let's drop it now."

"No you tell me what you meant!"

"Nope, sorry." She gave me an all too innocent smile.

And even after incessant pestering, she didn't open her mouth even once.

Our conversation must've been a bit louder that what we'd imagined since Archer, who was seated just two seats diagonally from me, looked up from his work and raised one eyebrow at me.

Back when we were best friends, and eventually together, I'd always envied him for being able to perfectly raise one eyebrow and make it look so...hot. Just like that. I couldn't raise an eyebrow for the life of me and once when I'd tried, Archer had said I looked like a constipated pig. I'd socked him for that one.

Even now he was doing it. I swear he was doing it on purpose, he knew how much I used to like that eyebrow raise. No, Vivian, focus.

"Vivian, could you please bug Angie to tell you whatever she isn't telling you after class? I'm sort of trying to work here," he said, in an amused tone which I didn't like one bit.

My cheeks flushed. "Sorry, didn't realise I was being so loud."

He gave me another amused glance and returned to his sums.

I turned around to see Angie giving me that same amused, teasing smile. I buried my face in the desk. "Oh god, not you too."


Later that day, Katie, Angie and I were talking in the common room on a rare night when I was free. Archer and I'd worked surprisingly well over the past week and tonight we didn't have any work, so we could take the evening off with our friends, as Mr Richards had told us earlier.

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