30 | the healing

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That's what I was right now. An utter mess.

Archer's kiss had left me reeling, even if it was for only a moment. It had brought back a wave of unwanted memories, and I hated to admit it, feelings.

Neither of us could look each other in the eye after that. When Mr Woods came back from downstairs, he frowned at the peculiar behaviour, but didn't comment. We sat awkwardly tense, not daring to say a word to each other after that.

After another hour and a half, we were all getting highly restless and anxious. No word had come from the OT yet. Archer started pacing up and down the corridor.

After a few minutes, two doctors emerged from the closed doors. We jumped to our feet.

They removed their masks and looked at us gravely, a bit with pity. My heart was throbbing against my chest. This wasn't a good sign. Why were they so grave?

Suddenly, both of the doctors broke out in a smile. "We did it, Mr Woods. The operation is successful. Ms Woods is still unconscious from the anaesthesia we gave her, but she should be up soon."

Upon hearing those words, Mr Woods gave a small cry of utter relief and jubilation. He had tears in his eyes as he clasped the doctor's hands. "Thank you, thank you Doctor! You saved her, you saved us, thank you! Oh my god."

Archer stood still, his face a perfect picture of disbelief, happiness and relief. He looked like a child who'd got lots of unexpected gifts and didn't want to believe his luck, lest it turn out to be just a dream.

"She--she's fine? My mum is fine?" he asked quietly. The doctors smiled at him. "Yes, she is fine now. We've managed to do our bit successfully, now she just needs lots and lots of rest. And physiotherapy."

I couldn't stop the smile from spreading wide across my face. I walked over to Archer, momentarily forgetting about our awkwardness from a few minutes ago. "See?" I grinned, "What did I tell you?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "You were right, and I'm so so glad you were."

Mr Woods came and pulled both of us in a giant bear hug. He was laughing and crying at the same time. I thought of pulling away after some time and giving the father and son a moment alone, but Mr Woods beat me to it.

"Nonsense, Viv, where are you going? You're as much a part of our family as Archer, and the way you've stayed with us through this whole ordeal proves it."

I flushed. My eyes met Archer's, who was regarding me with a strange look. He had a soft smile on his face as he looked at me, but his eyes spoke a different story.

Of longing. Or maybe I was imagining it.

I looked away, not being able to take the intensity of his glance anymore. Something had changed between us, and I wasn't sure what it was, or whether it was good.

I just knew I was very, very scared.

a/n: short chapter, i know, but trust me, the show's not over yet. we still have quite a bit coming up! in the meantime, don't forget to vote, comment and show some love! xx

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