26 | the homecoming

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I stayed with Archer the entire day.

Angie, Kate and Beth knew of the situation and they called me from time to time to get updates. I had lunch with Archer and his dad at a restaurant nearby. It was strange having a meal with them after so long but it was even stranger without Mrs Woods.

Upon returning to the hospital we heard her condition was a bit better. She was still in the induced coma but the doctors had sensed an improvement. They said a bunch of technical terms I didn't understand but this was the general picture I got.

Archer's shoulders sagged in relief and weariness. I could sense he desperately needed rest, after being at the hospital for god knows how many hours.

Mr Woods seemed to notice it too. He pulled me aside.

"Viv, dear, can you please do me a favour? Archer clearly needs a lot of rest and I think it's best for him to go back home for now. Will you accompany him to our house and stay with him just for a bit? To make sure he freshens up and eats some more instead of brooding around? I can't leave right now, I have to stay in case the doctors have more updates in the next few hours."

I gulped. Taking Archer back to his house? Staying with him for some time?

Well, this had a high possibility of getting awkward. But I couldn't leave him alone either. So I found myself nodding. "Of course, Mr Woods, anything I can do to help."

"Thanks a million, dear. And one more thing...Archer really was daft to end things with you. You're the best thing that ever happened to him. I still tell him that every so often."

My cheeks were burning as I shrugged. "We had problems which couldn't be solved at that time, Mr Woods."

He smiled sadly. "I know. And please, Viv, call me Uncle Greg for goodness sake!"

I laughed a little at that. All this time, and I somehow still hadn't got around to calling them Uncle Greg or Aunt Elaine. It was still Mr and Mrs Woods, even when they had become like family to me.

"I'll try my best," I grinned. Then I turned to go towards Archer. He was standing a few feet away, facing the ICU.

I touched his shoulder. He turned to face me.

"Archer," I said softly, "Let's go to your house for a bit now. You need some rest."

He shook his head vehemently. "No, no, I'm not going anywhere until she gets better and I can see her and talk to her."

"That's gonna take some time, Arch. How long will you stay here without any rest, or sleep, or baths, or proper meals? You have school too, don't forget that. You won't get leave forever."

He looked away, refusing to answer me.

"Look, Archer. Things are really difficult right now, I know. But your dad is also going through this, and imagine the burden on him if you somehow fall ill because of lack of rest! At least think of him too. You need rest right now and it's best if I take you home and get you to sleep for a bit. And eat some more. Okay? Then you can come back here tomorrow morning."

He was silent for a long time. Then he nodded slightly. "Alright. Let's go."

I heaved a sigh of relief. "Come on, then."

Archer's car was waiting outside. We got in, and headed for his lavish house in Kensington.

That house held so many memories. It was where he and I had our first kiss, where I'd visit so many times and become a part of his family, where I'd spend hours and hours just being with him. Talking, laughing, kissing, sharing secrets, painting, eating and so much more.

We pulled into the driveway and got off. Archer was silent as he fiddled with the key and finally unlocked the front door.

My heart stopped for a moment as I recalled that night after the party so long ago, where he'd confessed to me that he hadn't been able to take his eyes off me. When I'd realised he too felt the same way that I'd felt about him.

After he'd left the party, I'd gone to his house, demanding an explanation. When he'd opened the door, I'd shouted at him on his front doorstep, venting out all my frustration and pent up emotions. And then...

Archer opened the door a few seconds after I rang the bell. I'd visited his house enough times for the security at the gate to know me by now.

Archer frowned on seeing me. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for an explanation, you twat! Who do you think you are, saying something like that at the party and then leaving without any explanation?"

He looked away. "I don't wanna do this right now."

I raised my hands. "Well, neither did I but you left me no choice! What did you mean back there, Arch?"

"Nothing, Vi, it was just a slip of tongue."

I raised my brows. "Just a slip of tongue? You expect me to believe that shite?"

"What do you want me to say?! That I actually feel more than friendship towards you? That I actually have feelings for you? That I can't stop thinking about you almost every second of the day?"

I stilled. What?

He continued, as if something within him had just exploded.

"You drive me bloody crazy, you know that Vi? You have this way of talking, laughing, or just plain looking at me which nobody else does. You have your own way of doing things to my heart which nobody else can! And it drives me insane! What do I do, tell me Vi?"

I stood frozen to the ground, not daring to move. What was I supposed to say to that? I'd never had a clue he felt like this. He'd never given anything away to me, at least not blatantly. I didn't know if I'd missed any signs before.

But deep down, I was slowly starting to feel elated. He liked me too! He had feelings for me too! I felt as silly as a fourteen year old schoolgirl, but it was so so good.

So, as he looked at me with searching eyes, as he asked, "What do I do, Vi?" I simply replied, "You kiss me."

He did a double take. "What?"

I stepped closer to him. "Simple. You kiss me."

He swallowed, his eyes regarding me intensely. "You'd let me kiss you?"

I smiled. That was all the answer he needed as he took two large strides and swept me in an all-consuming first kiss, full of the fire and warmth I'd get so used to in the next few months.


I couldn't help but think of that night of our first kiss as Archer opened the door and we went inside.

I looked around me. The interior of the house hadn't changed one bit. The spacious living room with the amazing interior design, bearing a comfortable and homely look in shades of warm brown and beige, was still the same. The pictures on the wall of their family over the years, the trophies of his mum in the cabinets and some more in another separate trophy room, the huge flat screen TV on the wall... everything was still the same.

The only things which had changed were Archer and I.

a/n: to be continued...i had to divide this because otherwise it would get too long and right now it's wayyy past midnight and i have online school tomorrow early in the morning. so i just can't type anymore, even though i want to. i'm so sleepy god. anyway, leave your votes and comments, and lots of love as always! xx

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