Chapter - 1 Where am I?

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Chapter - 1 : Where am I?

It's extremely cold...

My head hurts...

My entire body is in pain...

My body is freezing...

Where am I?

Slowly, I opened my eyes. My vision is blurred, and all I can see is darkness...
I regain my strength and manage to get up a few seconds later. Now I can see more clearly.

I'm in a dark, cold room. It's actually wet and dark in here. I can hardly see anything.

As I wait, I can hear drops of water making noises all around me. It frightens me...

After a few minutes, my eyes became accustomed to the darkness. I can see better now.

I'm not the only one here. The large, dark, and cold wet room. There are a total of six people present, including myself. The five people who are still unconscious.

I took a look at the closest man and decided to wake him up myself. I began crawling to that unconscious man and gently shaking them in an attempt to wake them up.

"Hey.. Sir..? Please wake up... hey.. sir!!! Please!!!"

The man slowly opened his eyes and was taken aback when he saw me. His eyes widened as he realized where we were and how cold the water was.

I almost thought he was no longer alive. He hadn't moved an inch before. May God bless this man.

"Wait, what? Where?"

He is confused, just like me.

"Um... Help me get..up.. please..."

He asked that I assist him in standing. He appears to be weak. That is exactly what I did. He was a little hefty. When I lifted him up, he struggled a little and sighed heavily when he finally managed to sit up. I got him to lean against a nearby wall.

"Thank you, I appreciate it."

"It's nothing."

The pattern on the guy's face is red-white-red, with a mapple leaf in between. He has lovely green eyes and chubby cheeks. He must be in his twenties, if not younger...

He gave me a friendly smile and spoke up.

"You appear to be familiar to me. Although I'm not sure how to explain it. I just felt like I know you.."

He said with a soft voice. He tried to fix his pants by patting his lap and legs. I sat down beside him and thought about what he had just said.

Him saying that.. Now that I think about it. He's also... I, too, felt a sense of familiarity with him. I'm also at a loss for words, I can't explain it. In addition, I've never seen or met this man.


No...I don't remember anything at all...

I.. I don't even remember who I am.. I can't..wait what..?

I hissed as I felt an ache in my head..what the hell?

"Where.. Are we?"

The man asked as he looked around and his eyes landed in one of the still unconscious men.

"I.. Don't actually know. I just woke up too. I don't remember anything at all.. sorry.."

With hesitation, I explained... His disappointment is visible on his face.

What options do I have? I don't remember shit at all. I only woke up a few minutes ago.

However, I understand him. I would too. But I also hope he too understand me.

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