Chapter - 16 China's Death

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Chapter - 16: China's Death

I have to keep running, even if my legs go numb! I have to! Or-or else he!

"Haah! Haack- *Cough! * Guh.."

I coughed roughly as I ran and ran, oblivious to how noisy the place had become. I'm afraid I'll get caught if this continues on. I lost a friend, and all I could do for him was to run away, just like what he wanted me to be. Because that's all I could do.

"America!!! Where the fuck are you?! I'm going to kill you!!"

The murderous man screamed at the top of his lungs. He may sound far away, but I'm sure he's right behind me, following every step I took as I ran, and ran.

And it appeared that I had sinned so gravely that the God chose to made me make such a grievous mistake..

My left foot slipped, causing me to fall backward in such speed. I slammed my head down, and every nerve in my body reacted to is in such bad way..


I curled into a ball as I clutched my aching head, trembling in pain and fear. I felt something wet and sticky in my hand and I looked at it to see traces of blood.

What's more scary and pathetic, is that my wound from my both arm and leg started to ache painfully too. I shut my mouth as I tried my best to not release any noise for Martial to hear.

But even my own body betrayed me..


I tried my best but I doubt it would work.. So I decided to force myself up, stand up and start moving again. If I can't run, then walk, fast. Someone want's my life.. and I already lost someone, I can't, I can't let myself get caught right now..

I limply jogged my way to the tunnels, not knowing which way is which, I just jogged and jogged. Soon I stopped for a while to catch a few breaths.. I was doing okay earlier but the moment I fell and hit my head makes everything worse.. I couldn't run fast enough because I'm in pain, especially my injured head and leg..

I sighed and slowly looked back to check. My eyes went wide when I see the tracks of blood tracing towards me. My own fucking blood.


Martial would follow it then!! He will find me!

I resumed running in a desperate attempt to save my life, despite the persistent pain in my leg. It hurts a lot, but my life is more important, and I can't let Finland's Sacrifice be wasted because I couldn't flee! I have to get moving!

Don't look back; just keep running! If I can still stand and walk, then walk, If I can jog, then jog! If I can still run, even if it's painful, then Run!! I have to endure it!!

'You could have save Finland, and then you wouldn't have to go through with this.. poor Finland.. '

My inner part whispered into my head. My heart started to ache and again tears fell from my eyes, not because of the pain, it's because of the guilt.

All I can do is run...


And Run like a pathetic dog..


All hairs of my body stood up when I heard that murderous scream.

He's here!!! I have to run faster!!! Or he'll kill me!


The cat and mouse chase continued, and I was running out of breath just as Martial was losing his mind. He kept yelling that he wanted to kill me in the most agonizing way he can do.

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