The Truth

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The Truth:

"My name is America; what's yours?"

For the first time in my life, my heart beat like a wild horse as he extended his beautiful hand towards me. I could feel my cheeks getting hot, but I couldn't bring myself to look away.

"Ru...Russia... my name is Russia."

I slowly took his hand in mine and looked into his eyes. I admire his deep blue eyes, as if they were the deep blue ocean. He only had to smile softly to win my heart.

"You're adorable, hahaha; keep smiling like that, Russia; see you next time."

He said this before releasing my hand. He waved and then left me alone in the classroom, dazed by what had just happened.

"America... just touched my hand and talked to me."

I told myself as I stared at the wall. My mouth formed a smile.

He finally spoke to me, touched me, and looked at me. He even complimented me. I... I can't express how happy I am..

My father is the archenemy of his family, but I don't care. I adore him and admire everything about him! I want him! And I'll do everything in my power to make him mine, to make him love me! I will lavish him with my love! And I will not let anyone take him away from me!


I left the school and drove back home.. well, technically, it used to be my home. But it has another purpose now.

The mansion is located outside of town and has been abandoned for decades, if not centuries. There are also underground rooms. It used to be a secret laboratory for my father and his team's secret experiments. As a disguise, they built a mansion above. I used to eat and sleep there.

My father, who used to live in this mansion, tried a variety of things. Like a tiger mated with an eagle, a rabbit drowned and resurrected with medicines we have, and so on. Majority are failures.. However, there have been a few experiments that have proven to be extremely successful.

My father worked very hard on those dogs. He skinned and experimented on them. Only three of the ten dogs survived and evolved into new creatures, though one is weaker than the other two. It was extremely aggressive, as if they looked like dogs but acted like monsters, beasts capable of causing significant damage. Many people died in that laboratory, but Dad would not abandon the dogs. It's too valuable, and it can be used for certain occasions... like a war.

Dad decided to keep those dogs in the underground lab, where they would be safe. He stated that it would not die. But everything has to come to an end. Dad gave me this space to experiment with things. Curiosity and science. But he warned me not to go too far underground; the dogs are still there, and the lowest part of the underground lab is flooded and is beyond repair.

But Dad told me that he installed numerous speakers and CCTV cameras in the lab so that I could monitor what was going on. Such a place I gladly accepted and used.

I always use it...

Dad has no idea what I'm doing in there, but all he knows is that I'm experimenting with things, and he won't bother me about it. Unlike others, he understands the importance of privacy.

"Aaaaah... I'm back to play."

I got out of my car and went to the trunk. When I opened it, I saw three unconscious familiar faces.

"Aww... I have high hopes for you three; I hope you're not as boring as the previous ones."

I chuckled and slapped Argentina cheeks playfully.

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