Chapter - 5 Trouble

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Chapter - 5: Trouble


We're all stunned by what we're seeing.

I slowly approach the person who opened the door and is now standing directly in front of us.

He is drenched in blood and severely wounded. He's gasping for air and sweating profusely.

"I thought.. we thought..."

I'm out of words. My mind is too dazed to comprehend what was going on. I thought he was dead? Alive? He's alive? How is that possible? How did he survive? We saw it all.. how..?

"What's up with those shocked expressions? Are you afraid? Am I a ghost or something?"

With a smirk on his face, the man, Philippines, said to us. The unexpected expression made me flinch.


China rushed up to him and hugged him tightly. A proper and warm hug, as if the mother had found her long-lost child.

Phil groaned in pain, reminding China that he was injured and that hugging him too tightly could kill him.

Of course, China let Phil go. Canada, Germany, and Finland also came to see him. They are overjoyed to see the Philippines alive and well. Despite the fact that he doesn't look well at all.

Philip then turned his gaze to Germany.

"What happened to you? How come you're so pale?"

He asked Germany who was standing right next to Canada.

We all checked him after hearing Philip's words and noticed how pale he had become in such a short period of time.


I called him, but he did not hear my voice.

"Germany was poisoned, and he needs treatment right away, just like your wounds, Phil."

China said this as he slowly raised Philip's left arm, which was covered in wounds and gashes. Because the blood is still flowing out, they are all looked so new.

Phil ignored China's words and examined Germany from head to toe and toe to head. As if he's anticipating something. He sighed, his face expressionless.

"What's the matter, Phil?"

I inquired, curious as to what is in his mind right now.

"It's nothing... Let's go-"

Fin cut him off before he could finish his thought. We all returned our gaze to Finland, who was looking solemn.

"Philip, do you know who or where those gunshots came from?"

We all looked back at the wounded man in front of us as he spoke softly towards Philippines.

He sighed once more and pulled a gun from his jacket. We are surprised by what we saw in his hand.

"Was it you?"

"Yes, Finland, I did it."

Philip said this with no interest in his eyes. I frowned at his response.

"But why would you use it? Is there something in there? And how the hell do you have a gun?"

I asked him.

Philip slowly looked at me and head towards me after hearing my question.

"That would be a long story to explain, but I'll keep it short. Actually, I saw this gun somewhere back there and decided to take it with me in case I needed it, and it was indeed useful. Don't worry about the gunshots; I used the gun to forcefully open things. No need to worry."

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