Chapter - 6 Four legged

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Chapter - 6: Four Legged

"Why are you doing this?"

Canada inquired, his voice trembling with fear for his life. There's no way the man behind him would do it, right? But he's a stranger he met in this place, so he doesn't know. It terrifies him.


Philippines abruptly stopped laughing at Canada's words. He began slowly walking towards Canada, humming cheerfully.

Canada gulped as he felt the cold presence of the gun behind his head.

"Please tell me what's wrong. If I did anything to upset you, we can still talk about it. Please..."

Canada pleaded with Philip.

"We're already talking."

Philippines said cheerfully, twisting the tip of the gun on Cana's head. He is enjoying what he is seeing.

Canada begins to tremble even more. He can't afford to offend Philippines at this point or he'll die. His eyes welled up with tears as he braced himself for the worst.


Philippines said as he put his gun down and patted Canada on the back. Canada then sighed in relief.

"Damn, Philip, don't do that again! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

He said to the man next to him, who responded with a smirk.

"You see, I never intended to do that."

Philippines presented a crumpled note to Canada.

"This simple request only required you, Philip. Take Canada away from the others and scare him. Scare him as much as you can."

After reading it, Canada sighed and thanked God that the psycho didn't order Philip to kill him but just scare him.

"That psycho..."

Canada murmured, and Philippines only laughed before coughing. Hearing the coughs made Canada feel uneasy.

"That's... that... now what?"

Canada said this as he turned away from the injured man and looked at the shambles in front of them.

"I'm not sure, but let's just find anything that can help Germany; that guy looked like he was dying."

Philip also looked around. Canada understands that Philip requires treatment as soon as possible due to his wounds. But seeing Philippines prioritize Germany over himself made him feel guilty.

Germany is poisoned and whatever chemical it is in his body is eating away his life.. so he can understand what Philip's thoughts and choices are but he can't help it but feel bad..

He patted Philippines on the back and then went to the medicines that were strewn about.


The armed man observed Canada as he searched the area. He blinked slowly and joined the search for a cure. Canada had no idea Philip had just joined him.

They sat down after some time had passed. Canada raises his hand in the air.

"There is nothing useful! Only for fevers, stomach aches, vomiting, and even birth control... Nothing that can help Germany!"

Canada grumbled, pulling his hair in annoyance.

"Don't be like that, Maybe the fever pills can help. Did Germany vomit before? Maybe this can help? I don't know... I think pills for coughing is much more helpful for the vomit one.. especially the birth control pills.."

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