Chapter - 19 Brother

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Chapter - 19: Brother

I opened my tired and heavy eyes, looking around, and panicked as I realized that I don't know where I am. I tried to move, but an electrifying pain crawled into my head.

'Ugh..! Stop... Please.. gnn... '

I begged to myself as I try to endure the unpleasant feeling. Finally, it faded away and I can finally breathe and move comfortably.

I looked around after allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness and noticed some wooden furniture and some large-looking art in the corner of my right. Then I realized I was lying on an enormous, plush, but still old bed.


I got up from the bed gradually. My sore body started to hurt, especially my tummy, arm, and leg. But I persevered, and eventually I stood up. I exhaled in relief.

"What are these.."

I remarked after turning to look around and noticing additional lovely engraved statues and frames hanging on the walls and some on the floor. A thud-like sound was what I heard. I turned around and looked in the direction it had came from when I noticed a big and long, broken mirror. I got closer and crouched down to pick up the piece that had fallen off.

In the instant I did, I somewhat fixed it. I then noticed that my clothes had changed and were clean. I no longer wear the same black shirt I once did. My face was clean, but I don't have my grey shoes. Additionally, my wounds were carefully cleaned and bandaged.

* C R A C K ! *

After witnessing the mirror suddenly crack, the old piece fall off once more, and the new crack draw in the center like a web, I stumbled backward. With worry in my eyes, I worriedly peered at my face in the mirror. In fear of what will take place next, I turn away.

When I finally turned around, I heard the room's door creak as it slightly opened by itself. I was frightened, but I sucked it all down and walked slowly in that direction, wanting to know where the hell I am.

I walked up to the door and slowly opened it further while being as stealthy and quiet as I could to avoid being seen.

"What in the world.."

When I looked down at the floor, I was surprised. The floor is covered of pictures... Of me? What..?

I felt uneasy and perplexed about what was going on. I was in every photograph. Alternatively, a person who resembles me if it's not me.  Afraid of what I had just seen, I made my way slowly out of the room.

I stooped to pick up a few of the pictures. I went through each and found myself in every single one. The unsettling nature of this made me gag.


The final image caught my attention. It was a photograph of me and a stranger. However, there is an X in his face so I can't see it. I turned the image over out of curiosity, and there are some words there.

"Me and...Russia..?"

I raised my brow when I read his name. I continued reading.

"Me and Russia's First date. He was a desperate show off and he can a bit boring. But it's fine.. athleast he's my boyfriend now.. "

I raised my eyebrow. I could tell the me in the picture sounds like a bad guy..

I flipped the picture to look at the guy with x mark on his face.

"Russia.. so that's your name.."

And suddenly, a severe headache hit me, forcing me to crouch to the ground and grab my head.

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