Chapter - 8 That is not a dog

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Chapter - 8: That is not a dog


"America, wake up!"

I was startled awake by a sudden voice. I slowly opened my eyes to see Canada violently shaking me.

"Hey, what's up with the-"

"We have to leave right now!"

Canada yelled at me, which surprised me. He then forced me to stand, but I limped for a while. I'm still tired and thirsty.

"What exactly is going on?"

I asked Canada who was standing right in front of me.

"It's the voice again. He's going to give us another reuqest or quest or whatever he calls it, and he needs us all fully awake when he says it. He threatened that if we weren't all awake by the time he said something, he'd make us pay!"

Canada explained to me in a panicked tone. It made me nervous. What the hell does he want this time..?

"You're finally up, Ame? That's good, so what I want you all to do is very simple; with a little teamwork, you guys will finish it in no time."

The voice said with a suspicious tone. I looked around and saw no cameras or speakers. Where is this little bitch..

"I doubt it."

China raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think that would be easy at all, you bitch."

I said to that voice. Everyone agreed with what China and I said.

"You guys are so mean.. bullies, how far can you all get to be so unfair~!"

He then started making noises that sounded like he is crying. The hell? Is he for real?! He's mad!!!

"Said by you, who wants us dead in here!"

China responded angrily. China is prone to rage. I had to remember that to avoid becoming trapped or making mistakes.

"How unprofessional of you! I loved you, but you betrayed me! I loved you all, but you all betrayed me!"

The voice said, then cried. We're all lost. Is this blaming us? I was about to say something but he stopped crying.

"Just kidding!"

The voice then laughed as if there is no end. What the Fuck?! This man!!!


"Calm down, America!"

Canada intervened just as I was about to curse the hell out of this goddam psycho. I retract my comments about China. I should remember that I am easily angered.

"Get to the point already!"

Canada yells at the voice that was laughing at our reactions. Damn it!

"That's my boy!"

The voice said it cheerfully.

"I am not your boy; stop saying that."

Canada said to the murderous voice.


The Philippines is about to say something, but China stops him. I understand Phil doesn't want to complicate things, but manners are irrelevant in this situation.

"Hmmp! Anyway, my request for you all is to go and fix the lever all the way at the end of this path. I won't tell you where, but I know you can find it anyway. After fixing it, pull up the lever. The lever will activate the machines and make everything work again. Go to the elevator and ride it. The destination must be upward. See? Simple as that."

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