Chapter - 13 Failed Kill

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Chapter - 13: Failed Kill

"So there were people sent here before us?"

America erupts in rage as he learns of the speaker's evil deeds.

"You goddamn psycho! You killed more people than I thought! And you drove an innocent man to kill others for the sake of his and his brother!"

America attempted to throw the small mirror on the wall beside him into the speaker.

"Hush now, America; that isn't the main issue here; shouldn't you wonder, or at least think your way out here instead of quarrelling with me?"

The voice teased, attempting to make America even more angry than he already is.

"What else should I say to you? Damn you!"

"Martial didn't finish the task at all."

The voice sighed and said in a defeated tone. America, who was enraged, came to a halt, and his eyes widened.


America was perplexed by the voice's abrupt words. Is this yet another ruse or a tease?

"America, he did not complete the task I assigned to him."

The injured man could hear the voice repeating his words. America shook.

"I know, I heard that! But... But... But how?! How did he fail?"

America yelled back at the voice that was currently muffling noises.


The voice blurted out a name. The name of the man he thought died as well. America tilted his head until a thought occurred to him.

"Bel...Belgium... Did that man survive?"

The sudden surprise made America smile. The voice made a hum in response to the question of America.

America was relieved to learn that someone survived what Martial, Philippines' brother, had done. But then he stopped. He cleared his throat and looked at the speaker.

"How come Martial didn't kill him?"

"Martial thought he killed him."

After America finished speaking, The Voice responded.

"Remember, Belgium was shot at his leg, causing him to fall, but I never said Martial killed him."

Another muffling sound can be heard from the speaker. America had had enough of the noise and questioned the voice.

"What the hell are you doing right now? What's with those noises?"

He asked irritatedly. The voice laughed at America's annoyed face.

"I'm eating, my America."

America was dumbfounded after hearing the voice's words. His eyes twitched and he forced himself to calm down.

"You damn... Now tell me how come this Belgium guy is still alive?"

"Belgium was shot in the leg and fell to the floor. After Mexico left him, Belgium spread his blood everywhere, especially his head. When Martial came near him, he pretended to be dead. Martial saw him and thought he killed him. Because he needed to kill Mexico, Martial did not even take a second to investigate Belgium and left. That's how he survived."

Everything about how Belgium survived Martial's murderous actions was explained by the Voice. America's jaw dropped open in surprise and admiration.

Belgium must be a very intelligent and creative individual. He even duped the man who fooled me.

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