Chapter - 15 Finland's Death

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Chapter - 15: Finland's Death (?)


Where... am I..?

I opened my heavy eyelids to find myself on a wet, dirty floor. I sat up slowly, but a sharp pain shot through my arm. When I looked at it, I noticed a shard of mirror stabbed right through it.

"Shit! Aack!!"

I cursed as I sat up slowly on the wet floor, in pain. I looked at my arm again, and blood was rushing through it. I tried to move it, but the pain was excruciating, so I let my arm hang limp. My eyes welled up with tears as I endured such excruciating pain.

I took a long breath as I made my decision. I reach out and carefully remove the shard from my arm. As the shard was being removed, I screamed in agony and felt a small amount of blood spray out from my arm. I stopped, sobbed, and screamed. As a reaction to the pain I'm feeling right now, my body started to tremble.

What now...? I can't do it..

"America?.. Is that you? Where are you?"

I heard a familiar voice from afar. That familiar voice of someone I knew and trust. I turned around and look around, soon a figure appeared, it was no other than Finland. Seeing me, Finland immediately rushed towards me. A smile of happiness and relief appeared in my face as I reach for him. Finland hugged me carefully and we embraced each other for who knows how long.

"Fin! Fin!! Where were you?"

I cried in his arms and he comforted me. A minute have passed and I finally calm down. Finland smiled at it and have me a pat in the head.

"Are you okay..? That.."

Finland realized my condition and I smiled faintly. Finland stayed quiet for a minute before closing his eyes and sighed.

"Do you need help with that?"

He murmured, his gaze fixed on my injured arm and leg. I nodded after following his gaze. He looked at me while carefully holding my arm.

"This could be dangerous, so don't blame me at all, okay? It's gonna be painful too.."

He said to me, and I nodded. He yanked the shard from my arm without hesitation. I screamed in agony; I had never felt such agony in my life. My arms bled nonstop. Finland took my other hand and forced me to cover it. He quickly removed his now-soaked jacket, ripped it, and tied it around my wound.

"Shhh... "

He hugged me again and whispered. I sobbed in his chest. I can't control myself because my wound is aching in pain. To be honest, I regret making him do it. It hurts like hell...


Finland finally let me go and stood up, his hand reaching for mine. I took it and slowly stood up. When I looked around, I noticed that the area was flooded. Because of the cold, I coughed and coughed and looked at Finland slowly.


I looked at decided to start walking ahead.

"Where are you going?"

Finland soon followed me from behind. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at him.

"I... honestly don't know.."

I lowered my head, I really don't know where I will go and what will happen to me. I don't even know where we are right now. Tears flows from my eyes as I reflect on what happened in the past.

I sighed heavily.. then suddenly I started hearing something weird.

"My poor son, America.."

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