Chapter - 20 Finally free

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Chapter - 20: Finally free

"I guess he's gone now..."

I murmured to myself. I moved slowly and peered. I sighed with relief as I looked around and saw no sign of Canada.

I slowly walked out of the curtain and walked in the opposite direction where I believe Canada had fled. The pain in my ankle is unbearable as I walk. Nonetheless, I compelled myself to do so. But I couldn't help but groan and stop walking from time to time.

I ended up back in the room where Canada had gone insane on me. It's a dead end.

"You've got to be kidding me."

I grumbled, it appears that I have no choice but to return there and try to flee, despite the fact that I have no idea what will happen next. There's a chance I'll run into Canada in that direction.

As I began to walk in that direction, I noticed a piece of paper on the floor that contained my photographs. It stands out a lot, so my eyes didn't miss it.

"Where did you come from...?"

I picked it up and examined it. It's a note from that voice.

I gulped down my saliva and read what was written right there.

"Oh dear, Canada remembered everything, including his obsession with you. My America, I have a request. This is my final request for you. I wanted to give you a request that deals with Martial, but others seem to handle it anyway. My America, are you willing to let a chandelier go? If you do, you will be set free from this cruel world."

Chandelier? Obsession? Cruel world? This is not a request; it's a question. Is he asking if I want to be free? Isn't the answer obvious...? Or does he mean a different kind of free... But I want to leave.

"Of course I am, I want to be free..."

I murmured to myself. I want to be free with the others, but it had come to this that it's just me and... Canada. And he..

"Why... Why am I here in the first place...?"

I'm becoming more unstable. I can't even recall my memories; what will I do once I'm free? How can I find my family if I don't even remember them?

I heard a loud bang. I looked around in panic, trying to figure out where it came from, but I keep seeing the same things. Nothing was out of the ordinary.

"What in the world..."

I slowly stood up, avoiding any sudden movements that might make my ankle hurt. Even though I still have a headache, I won't have to worry about it now.

I made my way toward where I hid earlier and run. I looked down a turning path and, thankfully, everything was clear. I walked aimlessly, trying to make sense of the connection between that query and the chandelier.

The floor feels much better, but is also colder than before, giving me the chills. And I don't like it.


I instinctly dropped down on the floor after hearing Canada's voice. He wasn't close to me, but I know he is nearby. I can hear running footsteps in the distance.

"Oh god.."

I muttered, hoping he wouldn't find me. Instead of walking, I crawl. I know it's slower, but it makes me less visible and won't hurt my ankle. My knees weren't badly injured either.

I arrived at an elegant stair case with beautiful golden handles on the sides. I gulped as I realized I needed to crawl down the stairwell. I shivered in response to the sudden cold air until I noticed a shadow behind me.

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