Chapter - 11 Blood

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Chapter - 11: Blood

A loud bang jolted America awake. He looked around, thinking something had happened and wondering where the noise came from.

The room looks exactly the same as it did the last time he saw it. Philippines, China, Canada, and Finland are still asleep. America attempted to wake up Canada, who was sleeping next to him but failed as the man was in his deep sleep.

America could only sigh. He didn't even bother to wake him up. He got up and attempted to rouse the others. There was no response, either. However, when he attempted to wake Philippines from his sleep, Philip abruptly awoke and grabbed America's wrist and pushed him to the ground. America was too stunned by what had just happened to look at the man towering over him.

They stayed quiet for a few couple of seconds before Philip himself finally woke up from the reality and pushed himself away from the man that was pinned down by him.

"I didn't mean it."

He apologized while turning away. America sat up straight and smiled at Philippines.

"It's okay, with what's going on right now, I can't blame you one bit."

America reassured Philippines, who smiled with satisfaction at his words.


Philip stated as he looked around.

"What were you doing?"

Philip tried not to wake the others by whispering.

"It's just that... I was wondering if any of you would be willing to assist me in locating the source of the noises I heard... a loud bang woke me up and it concerned me.. "

America explained. Philippines cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. His face was unreadable to Americans.

"A noise?"

Philip stated. He then looked around to see if anything had fallen into its places. Except for a thick fog spreading across the floor, he found nothing unusual.

"Where did you hear it?"

Philippines inquired as he returned his gaze to America. America just shrugged because he has no idea. He had just heard it.

"Are you okay with accompanying me for a while? It's fine if you don't want to."

America put on his best 'please' face just to get Philippines to say yes because Philip appears to be trustworthy and he is armed with a gun.

"All right, as long as we get back quickly."

Philippines stood up and assisted America in standing up too. The two men slowly exited the room, leaving the other three sleeping on the cold floor.

When they exited the room, they scanned the hallways and walls of their surroundings. They were shocked and horrified by what they saw.

"What the hell...?"

America didn't even bother finishing his sentence because he was too taken aback by the scene in front of him.

The blood has been painted all over the mirrors. The blood in each mirror repeatedly spelled 'Die' on it. They continued walking, but this time Philip pulled out his gun. America followed him and pulled out the knife Philip had given him. The two men continued walking until they noticed that the elevator they had previously used was now covered in blood. As if someone had splattered all of the blood. However, the elevator is closed. So they don't know if the inside of the elevator is bloody or not.

"This isn't looking good... Where did all of the blood come from?"

"Could be from Germany."

Philip's words caused America's eyes to widen. He returned his gaze to meet the man's. He was dead serious. If the blood came from Germany, who did such a horrible thing? Was it the psycho? Was there a creature on the loose?!

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